1st University of the Philippines Diliman International Philosophy Conference (UPDIPC 2019)
时间:2019-10-23 09:00 至 2019-10-25 18:00
首页 > 商务会议 > 学术会议会议 > 1st University of the Philippines Diliman International Philosophy Conference (UPDIPC 2019) 更新时间:2019-09-04T09:30:37
1st University of the Philippines Diliman International Philosophy Conference (UPDIPC 2019) 已截止报名会议时间: 2019-10-23 09:00至 2019-10-25 18:00结束 会议地点: 内罗毕 详细地址会前通知 None 周边酒店预订 主办单位: UPDIPC组委会 |
Philosophy was originally understood and regarded as a way of life. As such, philosophers of old endeavored to train people in Philosophy for it to be able to affect the way that they lived. Ironically, over the centuries, Philosophy became more and more confined within the hollowed walls of monasteries, convents, and universities.
The 21st century, however, saw a change in this dynamic. Individuals with backgrounds in philosophy have gradually influenced various areas, such as, politics, business, education, law, medicine, and information technology, among others, and they credit their philosophy education as one of the defining factors of their success. Thus, philosophy is starting to become an increasingly popular choice among students who are trying to decide on a major to pursue.
Given this, the predominantly theoretical discipline of philosophy has become in demand in the world of practice. As such, applied philosophy, the branch of philosophy where theory meets practice, has undeniably become relevant.
The 1st UPDIPC invites abstract submissions for the following categories:
- Paper Presentation(20 minutes)is an oral presentation of a completed research paper. A maximum of 20 minutes is alloted for each paper presentation, which is exclusive of the open forum.
- Poster Presentation(30 minutes) is a visual presentation that will be conducted during breaks. A maximum of 30 minutes is alloted per presentation to give ample time to participants to interact with the presenters.
- Round Table Discussion(15 minutes) is an oral discussion of a concept paper or an ongoing research. A maximum of 15 minutes is alloted for each presentation, which is exclusive of the discussion proper.
- Workshop(90 minutes) is a presentation through demonstration of an applied philosophy (e.g. community of philosophical inquiry, martial arts, etc.). A maximum of 90 minutes is given for each workshop. UPDIPC 2019 will only accommodate six (6) workshop proposals.
Please send all submissions, not exceeding 300 words, to updipc@gmail.com using the following format for the subject and file name: Category_Last Name_ABSTRACT; Category_Last Name_FULL PAPER
To provide an avenue to discuss the diverse issues and invaluable insights on how applied philosophy can help address the needs of the times, DIPC 2019 welcomes submissions from educators, researchers, students, and enthusiasts in the areas of, but not limited to:
- Applied Epistemology
- Applied Filipino Philosophy
- Applied Philosophy
- Bioethics
- Business Ethics
- Environmental Ethics
- Philosophy and Popular Culture
- Philosophical Inquiry with Children and the Youth
- Philosophy of Art
- Philosophy of Education
- Philosophy of Information
- Philosophy of Law
- Philosophy of Martial Arts
- Philosophy of Science and Technology
- Philosophy of Sports
- Philosophy of the Social Sciences
- Philosophy of War
- Professional Ethics
- Research Ethics
- Social and Political Philosophy
Conference Conveners
Maria Bernadette L. Abrera
Ciriaco M. Sayson, Jr. (Chair)
Organizing Committee
Jerwin F. Agpaoa
Cathlyne Joy P. Alvarez-Abarejo
Jairus D. Espiritu
Alexander Atrio L. Lopez
Leander P. Marquez
Rola P. Ombao
Marielle Antoinette H. Zosa
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