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首页 > 商务会议 > 学术会议会议 > 2019年第49届欧洲微波会议 (EuMC 2019) 更新时间:2019-09-04T09:45:18

2019年第49届欧洲微波会议 (EuMC 2019)

2019年第49届欧洲微波会议 (EuMC 2019) 已截止报名

会议时间: 2019-10-01 09:00至 2019-10-02 18:00结束

会议地点: Paris  详细地址会前通知  None 周边酒店预订

主办单位: IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society European Microwave Association - EuMA

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        50 years after the first edition in 1969, the 49th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) remains the main event in the 2019 European Microwave Week, the largest event in Europe dedicated to microwave components, systems and technology.

        The European Microwave Conference is a premier event to present the status and trends in the fi elds of microwave, millimetre-wave and terahertz systems and technologies. A broad range of high frequency related topics, from materials and technologies to integrated circuits, systems and applications will be addressed in all their aspects: theory, simulation, design, and measurement. Examples include the latest developments for filters and passive components, modelling and design of RF MEMS and microsystems, high frequency and high data rate microwave photonics, highly stable and ultra low-noise microwave and millimetre-wave sources, new linearization techniques, 5G, IoT, and the impact of new packaging technologies.

        Special emphasis will be placed on emerging technologies and materials for microwave components such as nanotechnologies and graphene, metamaterial structures and devices, tuneable RF components, reconfi gurable RF systems and system-in-package.

        The scope also includes electromagnetic field theory, theoretical and experimental developments in wave propagation and antenna systems, and advanced simulation and characterization techniques. An additional focus will be put on the system implications of future microwave communications, wireless power transfer, radar with wireless communication capability, millimetre-wave imaging systems, and microwaves in industrial and medical applications.

        The European Microwave Conference provides many opportunities for networking and interaction with international experts in a wide variety of specialties, attracting delegates with academic as well as industrial backgrounds. With carefully selected papers in more than 40 oral and poster sessions, the conference represents an exciting forum for the presentation and discussion of the most recent advances in the microwave arena. In addition to scientifi c papers, contributions on industrial applications are also encouraged, covering the fields of instrumentation, medical, telecommunication, radar, space, automotive and defence systems, etc.Stéphane Bila




        E1 Planar Passive Components and Circuits:Planar transmission lines, couplers, dividers/combiners, hybrids, lumped-element circuits, tuneable planar components and devices
        E2 Non-Planar Passive Components and Circuits:Non-planar micromachined transmission lines, waveguides, couplers, dividers/combiners, hybrids, tuneable components and devices
        E3 Planar Filters and Multiplexers:Innovative synthesis and analysis, active filters
        E4 Non-Planar Filters and Multiplexers:nnovative 3D filters and multiplexers, non-planar integrated technologies (LTCC, Liquid Crystal Polymer, MCM-Deposition)
        E5 Smart materials, RF MEMS, MOEMS and NEMS:Bulk and thin-film ferrite components, ferroelectrics, surface and bulk acoustic wave devices including FBAR devices, RF microelectro-mechanical and micromachined components and systems
        E6 Metamaterials, Frequency Selected Surfaces, and Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures:Components, circuits and systems using metamaterials, frequency selected surfaces and electromagnetic bandgap structures
        E7 Interconnects, Packaging and Multi-Chip Modules:Assembly methods, hybrid integration, interconnects and multi-chip modules, heterogeneous IC technologies
        E8 Emerging Materials and Technologies:Novel 2D/3D printing techniques, graphene, novel-material based nanotechnology, nanoscale components, superconducting materials and devices, additive manufacturing techniques, organic, transparent, textile and other


        E9 Low Noise Circuits and Modules (*):LNA, detectors, receivers, radiometers
        E10 Frequency Generation, Conversion and Control:Oscillators, VCOs, phase-locked loops and frequency synthesizers, mixers, frequency multipliers/dividers
        E11 Front-End and Transceiver Modules, System-in-Package Technologies:Analog and digital front-end architectures, modulators/demodulators, analogue RF and mixed signal SIP, switches, phase shifters, limiters
        E12 Tunable and Reconfigurable Circuits and Systems (*):Reconfigurable transceiver circuits, modules and amplifiers
        E13 High Power Amplifiers:Hybrid power amplifiers, high power amplifiers, power combining techniques, vacuum electronics
        E14 Power Amplifiers, Efficiency Enhancement and Linearization (*):Cartesian and polar power amplifi er design, behavioural modelling, continuous and switch mode operation, linearization and predistortion techniques, efficiency enhancement, adaptive gain control, matching and packaging, amplitude and phase characterization
        E15 Sub-THz and THz Components, Circuits and Systems:Sources, detectors, and receivers, devices, components, and systems, modelling, simulation and analysis techniques
        E16 Microwave Photonic Components, Circuits and Systems (*):Including indium phosphide and silicon nitride based photonic integrated circuits


        E17 Electromagnetic Field Theory and Numerical Techniques:Frequency and time domain modelling, periodic structures, sparse arrays, simulation of electrically large problems, multi-scale and multi-physics approaches
        E18 Electromagnetic Compatibility and Interference, Signal Integrity:Field emission and immission modelling and measurements, electromagnetic compatibility, robustness and interference issues, signal-fl ow device modeling, distortion and stability analyses, digital pre- and post-distortion techniques
        E19 Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Matter, Biological Effects, Electromagnetic Scattering:Electromagnetic propagation and absorption phenomena, electrodynamic characterization of biological materials, interaction at atomic/ molecular/macroscopic level
        E20 Measurement Techniques and Systems from RF to THz:Frequency and time domain measurements, automated performance testing


        E21 Antenna Design and Characterization (**):Modelling, calibration and measurements, antenna systems, multiple polarizations, multiple beams
        E22 Integrated Antennas:Active antennas, reconfigurable antennas
        E23 Phased Arrays (Active/Passive), Related Circuits and Components, Tx/Rx Module Technologies (**)Array design, feed and distribution network, phase shifters and delay lines, receive and transmit arrays, active and passive retrodirective arrays, bias and control circuitry, integration and packaging
        E24 Smart Antennas, Digital Beam-Forming Antennas, MIMO AntennasSmart antennas, multi-beam antennas, beam forming and beam steering, analog and digital vectormodulators, multi-antenna systems, diversity schemes, MIMO antennas, massive-MIMO approaches
        E25 Channel modelling and Measurements:Extended channel models, cluster emulation, narrowband and wideband channel measurements


        E26 Microwave Systems:System simulation and characterization, base-station front-ends and handheld transceivers, satellite systems, navigation and positioning systems, industrial systems, vehicular applications and intelligent transportation systems
        E27 Millimeter-wave, THz Technologies and Systems (**):mm-Wave and THz wireless communications, imaging/spectroscopy, sensors
        E28 Ultra Wide Band Technology and Systems (**):Ultrawideband sensing, localization and communication techniques and applications, imaging and spectroscopy, system implementation, performance evaluation, Ultrawideband radar
        E29 Emerging System Architectures:Optimized and highly integrated RF front-ends and architectures, digital/RF signal processing, advanced modulation techniques
        E30 Wireless Power Transfer and Energy Harvesting:Shortand long-range device and system designs, nearfield and farfield techniques, high-power applications, rectifier circuits, energy harvesting techniques, circuits and devices
        E31 Biological and Medical Applications:Diagnostic and therapeutic applications, biological and clinical measurement and treatment systems, wireless medical sensors and implants, body-area networks, medical telemetry and telemedicine, smart home microwave applications
        E32 Wireless High Data Rate Communications and Cognitive Radio:3G/4G/5G systems, software-defined radio, wireless transceiver systems
        E33 RFID, Near Field Communication, Microwave/Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks:Including non-destructive testing and crowd sensing
        E34 Process Automation, Mobility, and Logistics:Industry 4.0, intelligent transport systems and smart logistics, machine-to-machine communications, smart metering, smart cars and other






        主办方:IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society

        介绍:IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society于2020年2月25日举办2020 IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT 2020)。

        主办方:IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society

        介绍:IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society于2019年12月5日举办2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMARC)。

        主办方:European Microwave Association - EuMA

        介绍:European Microwave Association - EuMA于2019年11月4日举办2019 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems 。

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        退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。

        还有若干场即将举行的 互联网大会






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