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首页 > 商务会议 > 学术会议会议 > 2020 19th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP) 更新时间:2019-09-05T08:59:00

2020 19th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP)

2020 19th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP) 已截止报名

会议时间: 2020-03-22 09:00至 2020-03-25 18:00结束

会议地点: Dubai  详细地址会前通知  None 周边酒店预订

主办单位: University of Wollongong in Dubai University of Wollongong Australia

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        In 1984, the 1st ICHPS (International Conference on Harmonics in Power Systems), the forerunner to ICHQP (International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power) was held in Worcester, Massachusetts. 62 authors attended this conference presenting 42 papers.

        Over the years the conference has grown and the number of papers presented has tripled. The scope of the conference has also been widened to encompass all areas of power quality.

        The importance of power quality management in transmission and distribution networks is seen to be increasing with the proliferation of renewable energy resources, energy storage systems and electric vehicles. Understanding of the potential problems created by new forms of generation and load technologies is vital to the maintenance of quality and reliability of the power supply for the benefit of all stakeholders. The main aim of the conference is to provide a platform for a dialogue between academics, industry practitioners and government representatives to address power quality as it relates to green economies.

        Hosts:Co-hosted by University of WollongongAustraliaand University of Wollongong in Dubai

        Theme:Power Quality in the Green Economy – development of enabling approaches for sustainable power systems

        Dates:22 - 25 March 2020

        Venue:University of Wollongong in Dubai




        All accepted and presented papers will be sent for publication to IEEE Xplore.

        The 19th IEEE PES ICHQP 2020 conference is being organized by the University of Wollongong Australia and the University of Wollongongin Dubai, UAE, between the22nd - 25th March 2020. The theme of the conference is"Power Quality in the Green Economy - development of enabling approaches for sustainable power systems"which aligns with the theme"Green Economy"of the EXPO2020 event being held in Dubai.


        ICHQP cordially invites participants from universities, research centres, utilities, industries and regulatory agencies to submit original papers connected to the following topic areas to Power Quality in the context of smart grids:

        • Analysis and Modelling (Networks, Devices, Loads etc.);
        • Measuring and Monitoring Techniques;
        • Sources of Disturbances (Converters, Traction Systems, Network Harmonics etc.);
        • Power Conditioning (Active and Passive Filters, VAr Compensation, UPS, Surge Protection Devices, Phase Balancing etc.);
        • Standards and Recommended Practices;
        • Diagnostic Systems and Expert System Applications;
        • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC);
        • Power Quality in Distribution System;
        • Impact of Distributed Generation on Power Quality;
        • Quality Aspects of Industrial, Commercial and Residential Consumers;
        • Grounding Systems;
        • Power Definitions and Measurements under Nonsinusoidal and Unbalanced Conditions;
        • Power Quality, Economics and Liability;
        • Power Quality in a Deregulated Electricity Market;
        • Smart Grids and Power Quality;
        • Electrical vehicle integration and renewables integration.
        Local Organising Committee

        Sarath Perera
        University of Wollongong, Australia
        Conference Co-Chair

        Haile-Selassie Rajamani
        University of Wollongong Dubai, UAE
        Conference Co-Chair

        Joel Kennedy
        University of Wollongong Dubai, UAE
        Conference Secretary

        International Steering Committee

        Yahia Baghzouz(Co-Chair), USA

        Dario Zaninelli(Co-Chair), Italy

        Alexander E. Emanuel, USA

        Paulo Fernando Ribeiro, Brazil

        Maria Teresa Correia de Barros, Portugal

        Thomas Ortmeyer, USA

        Gary Chang, Taiwan

        Sarath Perera, Australia

        Sakis Meliopoulos, USA

        José Policarpo G. Abreu, Brazil

        Thomas J. Gentile, USA

        Reuben R. Burch, USA

        W. Mack Grady, USA

        Alfredo Testa, Italy

        Rao Thallam, USA

        Mark Halpin, USA

        Wilsun Xu, Canada

        Alex McEachern, USA

        George Cristian Lazaroiu, Romania

        Dan Sabin, USA

        International Technical Committee

        Dario Zaninelli, Italy (Chair)

        George Cristian Lazaroiu, Romania (Co-Chair)

        Alexander E. Emanuel, USA

        Alfonso Capasso, Italy

        Alfredo Testa, Italy

        Ângelo Rezek, Brazil

        Antonio Carlos Zambroni de Souza, Brazil

        Carlos Duque, Brazil

        Carlos Henrique Duarte, Brazil

        Carlos Tavares, Brazil

        Cristina Roscia, Italy

        Damasio Fernandes, Brazil

        Enrico Tironi, Italy

        Fernando Belchior, Brazil

        Francisc Zavoda, Canada

        Gary Chang, Taiwan

        Igor Papic, Slovenia

        Irena Wasiak, Poland

        José Antenor Pomílio, Brazil

        José Carlos Oliveira, Brazil

        Julio Barros Guadalupe, Spain

        Kazimierz Wilkosz, Poland

        Manfredo Lima, Brazil

        Mark Halpin, USA

        Math Bollen, Sweden

        Mihai Popescu, Romania

        Morris Brenna, Italy

        Nelson Kagan, Brazil

        Neville Watson, New Zealand

        Nicolae Golovanov, Romania

        Nubia Silva Dantas Brito, Brazil

        Paulo F. Ribeiro, Brazil

        Paulo M Silveira, Brazil

        Pedro Machado, Brazil

        Péter Kiss, Papua New Guinea

        Philip Ciufo, Australia

        Regina Lamedica, Italy

        Roberto Langella, Italy

        Rose Mary de Souza Batalha, Brazil

        Ruth Leão, Brazil

        Sarah Rönnberg, Sweden

        Sarath Perera, Australia

        Sasa Djokic, Scotland

        Sjef Cobben, The Netherlands

        Sonia Leva, Italy

        Thomas Ortmeyer, USA

        Vladimir Cuk, The Netherlands

        Walmir de Freitas Filho, Brazil

        Wilsun Xu, Canada

        Yahia Baghzouz, USA






        主办方:University of Wollongong in Dubai

        介绍:University of Wollongong in Dubai于2020年3月22日举办2020 19th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP)。

        主办方:University of Wollongong Australia

        介绍:University of Wollongong Australia于2020年3月22日举办2020 19th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP)。

        酒店与住宿: 为防止极端情况下活动延期或取消,建议“异地客户”与活动家客服确认参会信息后,再安排出行与住宿。
        退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。

        还有若干场即将举行的 互联网大会






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