2014国际环境与健康研讨会(ISEH 2014)
时间:2014-07-04 08:00 至 2014-07-05 18:00
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2014国际环境与健康研讨会(ISEH 2014) 已截止报名
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2014国际环境与健康研讨会(2014 International Symposium on Environment and Health)简称“ISEH 2014”于2014年7月4日至5日在中国北京举行。
Keynote Speakers
Kirk R. Smith
Professor of Global Environmental Health
Associate Director for International Programs, COEH
Director of MS Program in Global Health and Environment
Ph. D. University of California Berkeley, 1977
Prof. Smith is Professor of Global Environmental Health at UC Berkeley, and is also founder and coordinator of the campus-wide Masters Program in Global Health and Environment. Previously, he was founder and head of the Energy Program of the East-West Center in Honolulu before moving to Berkeley in 1995. He serves on a number of national and international scientific advisory committees including the Global Energy Assessment, National Research Council's Board on Atmospheric Science and Climate, the Executive Committee for WHO Air Quality Guidelines, and the International Comparative Risk Assessment. He participated along with many other scientists in the IPCC’s 3rd and 4th assessments and thus shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize and is Convening Lead Author for Climate and Health for the 5th Assessment. He hold visiting professorships in India and China and bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees from UC Berkeley and. in 1997, was elected member in the US National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors awarded to US Scientists by their peers. In 2009, he received the Heinz Prize in Environment.
Professor Smith's research addresses the relationships among environmental quality, health, resource use, climate, development, and policy in developing countries including:
Health effects of air pollution exposures in developing countries, particularly health effects in women and children from indoor air pollution due to household fuels;
Measurement of health-damaging and climate-related pollution in developing countries, particularly from household fuels;
Development of smart, cheap, portable electronic monitors for exposure assessment in developing countries;
Implications for policy of the potential to achieve co-benefits (health and climate) from pollution control in developing countries;
Development and application of risk assessment techniques to developing-country environmental risks;
Development and application of conceptual frameworks to improve policy for and regulation of pollution, including the Environmental Risk Transition, Exposure Effectiveness (now called Intake Fraction), and Natural Climate Debt.
Bert Brunekreef
Professor of Environmental Epidemiology
Director of Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Utrecht University
Ph.D. University of Wageningen, 1985
Prof. Brunekreef is Professor of Environmental Epidemiology in both the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine, and the Faculty of Medicine at the Utrecht University. Bert Brunekreef was born on March 10, 1953 in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Academic education in Environmental Sciences at the University of Wageningen, the Netherlands, 1971-1979. From 1979-2000, he has been employed by the Department of Environmental Health of the Wageningen University, first as assistant professor, since 1986 as associate professor, and since 1993 as full Professor. In 1985, he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Environmental Epidemiology from the University of Wageningen. In 1986/1987, he spent the academic year at the Harvard School of Public Health, studying health effects of air pollution episodes, and of living in damp homes. In 1995, he served as the main organizer of the annual ISEE/ISEA conference which was held in the Netherlands that year. In 1998, he was chosen to be president of the ISEE for the years 2000 and 2001. Since the early 1990s, prof. Brunekreef has coordinated four EU funded studies (PEACE, TRAPCA, AIRALLERG and AIRNET) in the field of air pollution, allergy and health. He now acts a coordinator of the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE, 2008-2012). He has been partner in many other international collaborative studies. He has also been the PI on two studies funded by the US Health Effects Institute. In 2000, his Wageningen Department was moved to Utrecht University where it merged with the existing RITOX Institute to create the ‘Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS)’. In 2005 IRAS absorbed the Veterinary Public Health Department, and prof. Brunekreef is Director of IRAS since January 1, 2005. IRAS has currently about 160 employees. On several occasions, Bert Brunekreef served as advisor on national and international panels in the field of environmental health, including the Dutch National Health Council, of which he is a member, WHO and the US EPA.
Bert Brunekreef is co-author of more than 400 peer reviewed journal articles in the field of environmental epidemiology and exposure assessment. In recent years, he received the ISEE John Goldsmith award (2007), the European Lung Foundation Award (2007), an honorary doctorate of the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (2008), the Heineken Prize for Environmental Sciences (2008), and an Academy Professorship of the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences (2009) to which he also was elected to become a member in 2009.
Yongguan (Y-G) Zhu
Professor of Soil Environmental Sciences and Environmental Biology
Director General of the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ph.D. Imperial College, London, 1998
He has been working on soil-plant interactions, with special emphasis on rhizosphere microbiology, biogeochemistry of nutrients, metals and emerging chemicals (antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes). Professor Zhu is a leader in taking multi-scale and multi-disciplinary approaches to soil and environmental problems, for example his systematic contribution to the understanding the dynamics of arsenic in soil-plant systems and human health impacts. Before returning to China in 2002, he was working as a research fellow (Supported by the Royal Society London) in the Queen's University of Belfast, UK (1994-1995); and a postdoctoral fellow in The University of Adelaide (1998-2002), Australia. He obtained his BSc in soil science from Zhejiang Agricultural University in 1989, and MSc in soil science from the Institute of Soil Science, CAS in 1992, and then a PhD in environmental biology from Imperial College, London in 1998.
Dr Zhu is currently an associate editor of Environment International (Elsevier), and editorial members for many international journals, such as New Phytologist, Trends in Plant Science, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Science and Pollution Research. He is a scientific committee member for the ICSU program on Human Health and Wellbeing in Changing Urban Environment, and served for nine years as a member of Standing Advisory Group for Nuclear Application, International Atomic Energy Agency (2004-2012).,
Professor Zhu is the recipient of many international and Chinese merit awards, among them including TWAS Science Award 2013, National Natural Science Award 2009; Professor Zhu has published over 200 papers in international journals, and these publications have attracted over 10,000 citations (Google scholar) with an H-index of 56.
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