时间:2014-09-20 00:00 至 2014-09-25 00:00
第三届近现代数学史与数学教育国际会议 已截止报名
发票类型: 增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票 |
Third International Conference on
the History and Education of Modern Mathematics
20~25 September 2014 Hangzhou, CHINA
The First Circular (Sept 2013)
Organized by
Zhejiang University of Science and Technology,Hangzhou
Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi’an
In Association with
REHSEIS (SPHERE), CNRS & University Paris Diderot
Dept of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University
Chinese Society for the History of Mathematics
I. Organization
Scientific Committee
* Qu Anjing (Northwest University, Xi’an, China, Co-Chair)
* Tom Archibald (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada,Co-Chair)
*Karine Chemla (REHSEIS—SPHERE, CNRS & University Paris Diderot, Paris, France)
* Niccolò Guiccardini (University of Bergamo, Italy)
* Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen (Roskilde University, Copenhagen,Denmark)
* Norbert Schappacher (Université de Strasbourg, France)
* Ueno Kenji (Seki Kowa Institute of Mathematics, Japan)
Local Organizing Committee
Zheng Youqu (Zhejiang University of Science and technology,Zhejiang China,Chair)
Cen Gang(Zhejiang University of Science and technology ,Zhejiang China)
Tao Xiangxing(Zhejiang University of Science and technology,Zhejiang China)
Yuan Min(Northwest University, Xi’an, China)
Ruan Shiping(Zhejiang University of Science and technology,Zhejiang China)
Xue Youcai(Zhejiang University of Science and technology,Zhejiang China)
Qiu Binqiang(Zhejiang University of Science and technology,Zhejiang China,)
Yin Weidong(Zhejiang University of Science and technology, Zhejiang China)
Wang Wenbin(Zhejiang University of Science and technology, Zhejiang China)
II. Program
Four days of scientific sessions are planned.
1. Plenary Invited Lectures
Invited lectures will be announced later.
2. Scientific Sessions for Contributed Papers
Parallel sessions will be organized on specific topics.
3. One day sight-seeing
4. Language: English
5. Tentative Schedule
Sept 20, arrival, registration, getting together
Sept 21-24, Scientific program
Sept 25 Sightseeing
6. Topic
Contemporary Research in the History of Modern Mathematics and Applications to Pedagogy
Research in both the history of mathematics and the applications of history of mathematics to pedagogy have in recent years been enriched by new directions. The results have included new emphases in both disciplines, with diverse and far-reaching consequences. On the side of history, we see a renewed interest in the philosophical issues of various kinds, on the transmission of mathematical knowledge from local settings to global norms, on networks of scholars and networks of texts, on the nature and importance of application in mathematics, and on a reassessment of the importance of computation in all its forms. On the side of education, we see an expansion of the strategic use of history as a tool, going beyond cross-cultural comparison to being an ingredient in various theoretical approaches.
The purpose of the meeting proposed is to assemble senior scholars active in these fields, junior scholars whose work promises to be transformative, and scholars who are ambitious to acquire new approaches while presenting contributed papers on work of their own for comment by their peers.
With a broadly inclusive scope we hope to build on the positive experiences of earlier meeting to continue to build a Chinese and international research community and to build links for the future.
We are deeply convinced that the better understanding of modern mathematical activity that such an approach can yield will be helpful for mathematics education at all levels, and that the presence of researchers with education as a primary focus will enhance this aim.
Date | Participators |
Before June 30, 2014 | USD$150 |
After June 30, 2014 | USD$200 |
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