由西北工业大学主办的第九届国际科学计算与应用大会(The Ninth International Conference on Scientific Computing and Applications)将于6月11日-16日期间在西安国际会议中心(曲江宾馆)召开,欢迎大家报名参加!
This will be the ninth of a sequence of conferences on Scientific Computing and Applications held in Xi’an, China. All of them have the goal of bringing together mathematicians, scientists and engineers working in the field of scientific computing and its applications to solve scientific and industrially oriented problems and to provide a forum for the participants to meet and exchange ideas of common interest in an informal atmosphere.
The themes of this particular conference include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
Computational Fluids
Computational Electromagnetics
Computational Solid Mechanics
Computational Materials Science
Optimization Algorithms
Numerical Algebra
Big Data Problem
Inverse Problems
Numerical Methods for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations