为了推动我国美容皮肤科学事业的健康发展、推动相关学科的交融及国际交流,第十一届国际美容皮肤科学大会将于 2014年9月 26-28 日在中国北京召开。
此次大会由国际美容皮肤科学会(InternationalSocietyofCosmetic Dermatology)主办,中华医学会和中华医学会皮肤性病学分会承办,北京大学人民医院和中国医科大学附属第一医院协办。陈洪铎院士、意大利PierfrancescoMorganti教授、刘雁飞教授任大会名誉主席,张建中教授、高兴华教授任大会共同主席。
The 11th International Congress of International Society of Cosmetic dermatology will be held in Beijing China from September 26 to 28, 2014. We extend our sincere invitatinn to our colleagues and friends worldwide to this event.
Many famous professors will attend this meeting and will give lectures, among whom are Prof. Pierfrancesco Morganti, Prof. Henry W. Lim, Prof. Philippe G.Humbert,Prof. George Cotsarelis, Praf. Sewon Kang. The new concept and new technology in cosmetic dermatology will be the hot topics. These include advances in laser treatment,use of retinoic acid, skin rejuvenation,creotaxin,filler,beauty from inside out, progress in dermatologic surgery; photoprotection, dialogue tsetween the east and the west on antioxidant usage.skin imaging and skin bioengineering, effects of traditional Chinese medicine,complications and pitfalls in cosmetic dermatology,cosmetic procedures(live demo); active ingredients in cosmetics. We believe that all these topics will make this congress of high academic level and of great success.
ISCD, focusing on the international frontiers and hot spots of cosmetic disorders, will deliver to you in-depthunderstanding of the frontier theories and techniques in this field.
This congress will also provide an opportunity for participants to meet old friends and making new friends.
Beijing is a modern and beautiful city with over 3000 years' history. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the meeting and Beijing as well.
Welcome to Beijing!