GMIC 2015纽约站全球移动互联网大会
时间:2015-06-11 08:00 至 2015-06-11 18:00
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GMIC 2015纽约站全球移动互联网大会 已截止报名会议时间: 2015-06-11 08:00至 2015-06-11 18:00结束 主办单位:
作为全球最有影响力的移动互联网行业盛会,由长城会主办的全球移动互联网大会(Global Mobile Internet Conference 简称GMIC)现已成为世界范围内最具影响力的移动互联网核心区,以及连接东西半球的高端合作平台。
GMI C2015全球移动互联网大会于2015年4月28日在中国北京刚刚落幕,下一站将启程将来到美国,将于2015年6月11日在纽约举行。一起与自全球超过60个国家的25000+名与会者,聆听领袖的观点、向业界宣传你的品牌、与最前沿的创新者碰撞思想,并建立与世界连接的纽带。
Mobile: All About the Customer Experience
The world’s most influential conference on mobile comes to New York City on June 11th. From Beijing to San Francisco and Tokyo to Bangalore, GMIC is the where the mobile community gathers to learn about the latest innovations and connect with industry thought leaders.
Creating a deeper engagement with your customers via mobile is key. GMIC New York will address the unique challenges and opportunities that brands using mobile experience everyday. Come explore the future of mobile for entertainment, retail, media, brands, agencies and consumer products to get a clear perspective on how to optimize the mobile customer experience.
Who Should Attend /谁应参加
Digital Strategists, Marketers, CX Directors, Brand Managers, Advertising Executives, Agencies, Merchandisers and technology professionals who are leading their organizations' mobile strategy |
Why Attend /为什么参加
You'll learn how to harness the power of mobile to strengthen brand loyalty, increase customer engagement and deliver personalized customer experiences.
Speakers /嘉宾
GMIC New York speakers are market-disrupting leaders who’ve had remarkable success capitalizing on mobile. |
In New York We'll Discuss...
Using Mobile to Deepen Customer Engagement
The close bond mobile users have with their devices gives brands the chance to resonate emotionally with customers. But just getting your message heard among the thousands vying for consumer’s attention can be a huge challenge. At GMIC NY you’ll get the inside scoop from brands that have figured out how to rise above the noise by creating groundbreaking customer experiences. |
Transform the Customer Journey with an Omnichannel Approach
Creating a truly personalized customer experience that seamlessly spans digital and brick-and-mortar is now possible. The journey might start on desktop, but an evolving and aspirational message winding its way through a customer’s day has tremendous guiding influence. Learn how to move beyond a multichannel strategy by mastering an omnichannel approach that elevates your customer experience to new heights. |
VC Perspectives
Investors from Sand Hill Road to Wall Street are making more big bets on billion dollars ideas than ever before. Investors will square off on what makes a great startup, a great exit and a great public company. To be sure, creating an unbeatable customer experience is the key ingredient to success. |
Making Beacons Work for You
Beacon triggered marketing is a relatively new but highly effective way to deliver the right message to the right customer at exactly the right time. Targeting moving customers with location technology promises to boost retail sales but also adds a layer of complexity to customer relationships. Join this panel session led by early adopters to discover potential ways beacons can help you monetize your mobile audience, increase engagement with mobile users and enhance the shopping experience. |
Mobile Wallet: It's Not Just About Payments
Mobile wallets can support exciting new functionality that could never be offered by a leather wallet - including automatic loyalty point redemptions and location-based marketing offers. Mobile wallets promise to transform much more than just payments: they provide a customizable platform for merchants and financial institutions to create richer customer experiences and foster deeper client engagement. |
Millennials: Participating in the Brand Experience
This is truly the first generation to grow up completely online and as a result, the marketing mix used to target them needs to evolve. Millennials want to interact with brands, to co-create products and to participate in the brand experience. How do you best serve an autonomous, responsive, tech savvy population? These 80 million U.S. customers will soon have the most spending power and engaging them on mobile is a must. |
会议日程 (最终日程以会议现场为准)
会议嘉宾 (最终出席嘉宾以会议现场为准)
1、普通门票:249 美元 /1544 人民币
2、VIP门票:899 美元 /5575 人民币
1、Conference Pass:$249.00
The Conference Pass includes access to all conference sessions, lunch and the networking reception. VIP access not included
2、VIP Conference Pass:$899.00
VIP Pass includes full access to all conference sessions and networking events including the VIP Welcome Reception (June 10), VIP Lunch, VIP Lounge, and Networking Reception. Reserved exclusively for 50 leaders in the mobile space, including GMIC speakers and GWC Members.
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