时间:2024-06-18 09:00 至 2024-06-21 18:00

- 参会报名
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2024国际聚酰亚胺会议 已截止报名
发票类型: 增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票 |
会议内容 主办方介绍
2024 International Polyimide Conference
会议基本信息Conference Details
Conference Name: 2024 International Polyimide Conference(IPIC2024)
Conference Dates: June 18-21, 2024
Conference Venue: Beijing
No of Participants: 700
With rapid economic development and advancements in technology, polyimide (PI), a high-performance polymer material, is playing an increasingly important role in several strategic emerging industries. In recent years, research and applications on PI materials have entered a new phase. Tremendous achievements have been made by global research institutes and companies in areas such as novel structural design, synthesis optimization, functional modification, as well as sustainable production. Moreover, the emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, data mining and analytics, as well as machine learning has enabled unprecedented advancements in theoretical research and performance prediction of PI materials, achieving a higher level of precision and efficiency.
As we enter 2024, Global PI market is experiencing a new wave of opportunities and challenges. Driven by the strong demand from emerging industries such as new energy vehicles and 5G communications, global market requires better performance and larger supply of PI materials in a variety of forms including: films, pastes, fibers, foams, composites, and photosensitive materials. Furthermore, the global pursuit of green and sustainable development is pushing the research and development of PI materials towards new areas such as biodegradability, bio-medicine, low carbon and environmental protection, as well as life cycle analysis.
On this background, the Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, among others, will jointly organize the "2024 International Polyimide Conference(IPIC2024)" in Beijing from June 18th to 21st, 2024. The conference will bring together top experts, scholars, industry representatives, and technology developers from China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the United States, and other countries in the field of PI materials. They will collectively explore the latest research advancements, cutting-edge technological breakthroughs, future development trends, changes in market demand, industry chain cooperation and innovation, as well as other important issues. The conference aims to establish a high-level international platform for the PI community to foster connections and to facilitate integration between academia and industry. With this, we hope this conference will not only promote innovation and development in PI material science and technology, but also provide driving force for global economic growth and social progress.
组织架构Organizational Structure
Hosted by: Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, ect.
co-organiser:RAYITEK Hi-Tech Film Company,Ltd.,Shenzhen
Organized by: Ningbo DT information & Technology Co., Ltd.
Supported by:China Center for Information Industry Development; China OLED Industry Alliance; China Association of Productivity Centers; 《Insulating Materials》editorial office; 《membrane Science and Technology》editorial office
会议亮点Conference Highlights
- 前沿科技展示:会议将集结全球顶级科研团队,展示最新的聚酰亚胺材料科研成果;
- Cutting-edge Technology Exhibition: The conference will bring together top global research teams to showcase the latest scientific research achievements in PI materials;
- 全产业链交流:会议将邀请产业链上下游企业代表,构建产学研用无缝对接的交流平台;
- Complete Industry Chain Communication: The conference will invite the representatives of both upstream and downstream enterprises from the industry chain to build a seamless communication platform for industry, academia, research and application;
- 搭建国际化的合作交流平台:鼓励跨国合作项目申报与对接,推动全球人才资源的优化配置;
- Establishment of an International Cooperation and Exchange Platform: Encouraging application and coordination of international collaboration to optimize the allocation of global talent resources;
- 青年科学家论坛:给年轻的科研工作者提供展示的舞台,助力青年科学家成长;
- Young Scientists Forum: Providing a stage for young researchers to show their work and provide guidance for the growth of young researchers;
- 实地企业走访:参游当地聚酰亚胺代表性企业,进一步了解整个产业链。
- On-site Company Visits: Visiting representative local PI companies to further understand the complete industry chain.
会议日程(拟)Conference Schedule (proposed)
时间Date |
日程安排Conference Schedule |
6月17日,星期一June 17, Monday |
13:00-19:00 |
注册报到Registration |
6月18日,星期二June 18, Tuesday |
09:00-17:30 |
注册报到Registration 青年科学家论坛Young Scientists Forum |
6月19日,星期三June 19, Wednesday |
09:00-17:30 |
主论坛:开幕式、主旨报告 Main Forum: Opening Ceremony, Keynote Speeches |
12:00-14:00 |
自助午餐Lunch Break |
18:00-20:00 |
欢迎晚宴Welcome Banquet |
6月20日,星期四June 20, Thursday |
09:00-17:30 |
主题A:单体、PI浆料及应用 Theme A: Monomers, PI pastes and applications 主题B:PI功能材料及应用 Theme B: PI Functional Materials and Applications 主题C:PI泡沫材料及应用 Theme C: PI Foam Materials and Applications 主题D:PI薄膜材料及应用 Theme D: PI Film Materials and Applications 主题E:PI纤维材料及应用 Theme E: PI Fiber Materials and Applications 主题F:PI基复合材料及应用 Theme F: PI-Based Composite Materials and Applications |
12:00-14:00 |
自助午餐Lunch Break |
6月21日,星期五June 21, Friday |
09:00- |
企业实地走访On-site Company Visits |
议题设置Key Topics
全体大会(主论坛)Plenary Session (Main Forum) 把握行业政策、市场、科学前沿、新兴技术等概况。立足当下,布局未来,共谋产业高质量发展。 The plenary session will focus on the industry policies, market and scientific frontiers, as well as emerging technologies. It aims for the entire PI community to understand the current situation, and to layout the future for a high-quality development. |
主题A:单体、PI浆料及应用 PI浆料分子设计与合成路径优化 PI浆料的改性与性能提升 PI浆料涂布、固化、成膜等工艺优化 PI浆料在微电子及柔性显示中的应用 先进封装技术及散热管理 …… Theme A: Monomers, PI Paste, and Applications Molecular Design and Synthesis Path Optimization of PI Paste
Modification and Performance Enhancement of PI Paste
Process Optimization for Coating, Curing, and Film Formation of PI Paste
Applications of PI Paste in Microelectronics and Flexible Displays
Advanced Packaging Technology and Thermal Management ……
主题B:PI功能材料及应用 光刻胶及PSPI 电子封装 柔性光电显示 分离膜 环境友好与可持续性探讨 …… Theme B: PI Functional Materials and Applications Photoresists and PSPI (Photosensitive Polyimide)
Electronic Packaging
Flexible Optoelectronic Display
Separation Film
Environmentally Friendly and Sustainability Discussion ……
主题C:PI泡沫及应用 PI泡沫材料的轻量化设计与生产工艺 电池热管理系统的热绝缘与缓冲材料应用 舰艇及飞机用隔热减震降噪材料 PI泡沫在建筑隔热、汽车轻量化中的应用潜力 发泡技术的新挑战与解决方案 …… Theme C: PI Foam and Applications Lightweight Design and Production Processes of PI Foam Materials
Application of Thermal Insulation and Cushioning Materials in Battery Thermal Management Systems
Insulation, Vibration Damping, and Noise Reduction Materials for Ships and Aircraft Applications
Potential Applications of PI Foam in Building Insulation and Automotive Lightweighting
New Challenges and Solutions in Foam Technology ……
主题D:PI薄膜材料及应用 全球PI薄膜市场发展趋势与竞争格局探讨 高性能PI薄膜的制备与表征 柔性显示用CPI薄膜 电子PI薄膜 航天航空等用PI薄膜 PI薄膜在新能源领域的应用 …… Theme D: PI Film Materials and Applications Discussion on Global Development Trends and Competitive Landscape of PI Film Market
Preparation and Characterization of High-Performance PI Films
CPI Films for Flexible Displays
Electronic PI Film
PI Films for Aerospace
Applications of PI Films in the New Energy Field ……
主题E:PI纤维及应用 PI纤维的力学性能与结构设计 PI纤维性能测试和表征 轻量化结构材料 高强度PI纤维在阻燃防护材料中的应用 工业过滤材料 纤维级聚酰亚胺新产品及产业化进程 …… Theme E: PI Fiber and Applications Mechanical Properties and Structural Design of PI Fibers
Performance Testing and Characterization of PI Fibers
Lightweight Structural Materials
Application of High-Strength PI Fibers in Flame Retardant Protective Materials
Industrial Filtration Materials
New Products and Industrialization Process of Fiber-Grade Polyimides ……
主题F:PI基复合材料及应用 复合材料用PI基体树脂的最新进展 结构与功能一体化PI复合材料的制备与性能评估 PI+碳纤维复合材料的制备 PI复合材料在轨道交通、风能叶片等领域的应用实践 …… Theme F: PI-Based Composite Materials and Applications Latest Developments in PI Matrix Resins for Composites
Preparation and Performance Evaluation of Structure-Function Integrated PI Composites
Fabrication of PI + Carbon Fiber Composites
Application of PI Composites in Railway Transportation, Wind Energy Blades, and Other Fields ……
**欢迎企业和科研单位提供和定制议题方向 **Welcome Enterprises and Research Institutions to Provide and Customize Topic Directions |
部分参会嘉宾Some of the participants
姓名 |
单位 |
国外专家 |
Young Moo Lee |
韩国汉阳大学 |
Shinji Ando |
日本东京工业大学 |
Sang Youl KIM |
韩国科学技术院 |
Teruaki HAYAKAWA |
日本东京工业大学 |
日本山形大学 |
Ryohei ISHIGE |
日本东京工业大学 |
国内专家(按姓氏笔画排序) |
于海峰 |
北京大学 |
马小华 |
天津工业大学 |
王正宫 |
苏州大学 |
王旭 |
四川大学 |
王震 |
中国科学院宁波材料研究所 |
方省众 |
中国科学院宁波材料研究所 |
田国峰 |
北京化工大学 |
庄永兵 |
中国科学院过程工程研究所 |
神秘嘉宾 |
四川大学 |
刘金刚 |
中国地质大学 |
李南文 |
中国科学院山西煤炭化学所 |
杨士勇 |
中国科学院化学研究所 |
杨海霞 |
中国科学院化学研究所 |
佟辉 |
中国科学院电工研究所 |
闵永刚 |
广东工业大学 |
汪称意 |
常州大学 |
张艺 |
中山大学 |
张清华 |
东华大学 |
陈妍慧 |
西北工业大学 |
陈春海 |
东华大学 |
武德珍 |
北京化工大学 |
范琳 |
中国科学院化学研究所 |
金成九 |
宁波东方理工大学 |
房建华 |
上海交通大学 |
查俊伟 |
北京科技大学 |
阎敬灵 |
中国科学院宁波材料研究所 |
屠国力 |
华中科技大学 |
董杰 |
东华大学 |
雷星锋 |
西北工业大学 |
路庆华 |
上海交通大学 |
翟磊 |
中国科学院化学研究所 |
企业代表(按姓氏笔画排序) |
庄方东 |
宁波博雅聚力新材料科技有限公司 |
刘嬿 |
中车永济电机有限公司 |
许辉 |
浙江中科玖源新材料有限公司 |
吴建华 |
常州市阳光药业有限公司 |
秦晓东 |
武汉白圭化学有限公司 |
会议注册Conference Registration | |||
项目内容 Project content | 报名且线上缴费Registration and Online Payment (5月15日之前) (By May 15th) | 现场缴费 On-site Payment | (三人及以上组团报名享受8.8折优惠)注册费包含:资料费,会议期间餐费等,不包含住宿费、交通费。(Group of three or more people can enjoy an 88% discount)Registration fee includes program book, brochures, and meals during the conference. Accommodation and transportation expenses are not included. |
科研代表&企业代表(/人) Research representative& Corporate representative (/person) | ¥3500 or $400 | ¥4000 or $550 | |
学生(/人) Students (/person) | ¥1800 or $300 | ¥2000 or $350 | |
- 请务必完整填写注册表信息! 在线缴费开具电子发票,项目 会议服务 ,会后5个工作日内开出,如需提前联系客服即可。
- 现场缴费,发票在会后10个工作日内开具并寄出。
- 需要开具普通增值税发票时,提供单位名称和纳税人识别号即可;需要开具增值税专用发票时,需提供单位名称、纳税人识别号、单位地址、电话、开户行及银行账号全部信息。
l Important Notices
l 1) Please make sure that you complete the registration form. For bank transfer, please indicate your "Name + Affiliation + Polyimide Conference Fee" in the payment reference.
l 2) For on-site payment, invoices will be issued and sent within 10 working days after the conference.
l 3)If you require a general VAT invoice, please provide the company name and taxpayer identification number. If you need a special VAT invoice, please provide the company name, taxpayer identification number, company address, telephone number, and full bank account details
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