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首页 > 商务会议 > 学术会议会议 > 2020年第28届日本消化疾病周(JDDW2020) 更新时间:2020-02-25T14:37:26


2020年第28届日本消化疾病周(JDDW2020) 已截止报名

会议时间: 2020-11-05 09:00至 2020-11-08 18:00结束

会议地点: 神户  详细地址会前通知  None 周边酒店预订

主办单位: 日本消化疾病周(JDDW)

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        ◆ 会议时间:2020年11月5-8日
        ◆ 会议地点:日本 神户/kobe

        ◆ 会议简介:

        2020年第28届日本消化疾病周(JDDW 2020)将于2020年11月5-8日在日本神户举行,为期四天,同期将联合召开:第62届日本消化器病学会秋季年会、第100届日本消化内镜学会大会,第24届日本肝病学会大会,第18届日本消化器外科学会秋季大会和第58届日本胃肠癌筛查协会大会。JDDW将汇集来自不同领域的研究人员、医生和医务人员,共同交流和探讨有关基础科学和临床科学的最新信息,会议涵盖了广泛的胃肠病学领域的最新主题,预计有超过20000名专业人士出席(上届会议与会人数:22,444人)。


        JDDW 2020 注册费(现场注册缴费,15,000日元,现金或信用卡)
        The registration fee is 15,000 yen and on-site registration is only available at the registration desks. Payment can be made in cash or by credit card.
        * There is no pre-registration for participants except abstract submitters.
        * Payment by credit card can be accepted using the following credit cards:American Express, Diners Club, JCB, Mastercard or Visa.

        On the Occasion of Japan Digestive Disease Week 2020 (JDDW 2020)

        From November 5 (Thu.) to 8 (Sun.), 2020, JDDW 2020 will be held over four days in Kobe Convention Center, by jointly organizing the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology (President Keiichi Kubota), the 100th Congress of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society (President Takashi Kawai), the 24th General Meeting of the Japan Society of Hepatology (President Yoshiyuki Takei), the 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery (President Souji Ozawa), and the 58th General Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening (President Yosuke Iriguchi).

        JDDW was originally modeled after Digestive Disease Week (DDW) of the U.S. In consideration of the view that too many scientific society meetings were being held in different specializations, representatives from scientific societies related to digestive diseases gathered to lay down regulations, and in September 1993, the 1st Digestive Disease Week Japan (DDW-Japan 1993) was organized. lingyuint.Based on the concept of JDDW of “contributing to the improvement of gastroenterological research, education, and diagnosis and treatment,” it was at the 18th convention at JDDW 2010 that the current format of having five member societies participate was established. Since then, JDDW has shown steady development. JDDW covers almost all fields of digestive diseases, and is attended not only by internists and surgeons, but also by physicians and health care professionals from multiple departments, including radiologists, pathologists, and nurses. We take pride in the fact that JDDW allows participants to study in depth the latest in diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in a broad range of diseases from attending just a single convention. The number of participants at the inaugural DDW-Japan 1993 was estimated at 9,000. The number of participants surpassed 20,000 in 2012 and has been growing each year since.

        In addition to symposiums, panel discussions, and workshops that make the best use of the unique features of each participating society, JDDW will also have the Integrated Program where five participating societies will cooperate in organizing discussions around six themes from a broad perspective. For this year, we have chosen such themes as digestive disease care for the oldest old, microbiota, and paradigm shift in digestive disease care. It will be a good opportunity for using the mobile interactive device to collect the views of the participants. I am convinced that we will have meaningful discussions.

        With a large number of participants from other Asian countries in recent years, JDDW is becoming more international. For this year, we will be having the 4th Joint Session between JDDW, KDDW, and TDDW as a joint symposium with KDDW of South Korea and TDDW of Taiwan. We have, moreover, provided for Strategic International Session to strengthen collaboration with scientific societies abroad. We also have the Travel Award Program to help young participants from abroad to participate. We hope to make JDDW fully adaptive to increasing calls for internationalizing JDDW in the future.

        Despite the fact that almost all clinical research today requires the approval of the ethics committee, we hope that there will be submission of many abstracts of high quality as before. We look forward to your participation in JDDW 2020 to make this preeminent scientific convention in our country a fruitful and exciting one as befits the Olympic year.

        JDDW 2020 Steering Committee
        Chairperson, Keiichi Kubota

        Sponsoring Societies:

        The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
        President: Keiichi Kubota
        The 100th Congress of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society
        President: Takashi Kawai
        The 24th General Meeting of the Japan Society of Hepatology
        President: Yoshiyuki Takei
        The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery
        President: Soji Ozawa
        The 58th General Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastrointestinal Cancer
        President: Yosuke Iriguchis

        ◆ 参会对象:









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        退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。

        还有若干场即将举行的 互联网大会






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