时间:2018-07-11 08:00 至 2018-07-13 18:00
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2018智慧城市管理与服务国际大会 已截止报名
发票类型: 增值税专用发票 |
领取方式:会前快递 会后快递 现场领取 |
发票内容: 会议费 会务费 |
参会凭证:现场凭电话姓名参会 |
会议内容 主办方介绍
为加快推进智慧城市管理与服务,不断提升城市信息化整体水平,“2018智慧城市管理与服务国际大会”(ATCI 2018)将于7月在中国上海召开,会议将聚焦于人工智能方法研究及其在城市管理与服务中的应用,汇集国内外知名专家学者智慧,针对相关前沿技术、产品创新、产业发展与应用进行深入探讨,促进学术交流与合作,推动科研成果服务社会,助力政府治理与政策制定。
时间: 2018年7月11-13日 地点: 上海衡山北郊宾馆
上海大学(Shanghai University),简称上大,是上海市属、国家“211工程”重点建设的综合性大学,是国家教育部与上海市人民政府共建高校(省部共建高校),首批“卓越工程师教育培养计划”重点建设高校。老上海大学创建于1922年,首任校长于右任。1994年,上海工业大学、上海科学技术大学、原上海大学和上海科技高等专科学校四校优势互补,组建为新的上海大学。上海大学是中国第一所引进“三学期”制高校,是采取国际通行学制的先驱。
会议日程 (最终日程以会议现场为准)
7月11日 报到与注册 July 11th Register and Check in | |
7月12日(全天)July 12th 主论坛:全球智慧城市未来趋势与发展方向 Main Forum: The Future Trend and Development of Global Smart Cities | |
主持人:顾浩东,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学博士 Host: Gu Haodong, Ph.D., University of New South Wales, Australia | |
08:45-09:00 开幕致辞 Opening Remarks | Jemal H. Abawajy,大会主席、澳大利亚迪肯大学教授 上海大学校领导 上海市土木工程学会领导 上海市科学技术协会领导 Jemal H. Abawajy,Conference President, Professor of Deakin University, Australia Leader of Shanghai University Leader of Shanghai Society of Civil Engineering Leader of Shanghai Association for Science & Technology |
09:00-09:30 | 报告题目:智慧城市 Topic: Smart Cities 演讲嘉宾:褚君浩,中国科学院院士、中科院上海技术物理研究所研究员、华东师范大学信息科学技术学院院长 Speaker: Chu Junhao, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research fellow of Shanghai Institute of Technology Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dean of School of Information Science and Technology, East China Normal University |
09:30-10:00 | 报告题目:计算机与信息技术在城市建设管理中的应用 Topic: Application of Computer and Information Technology in Urban Construction Management 演讲嘉宾:刘千伟,上海市住房和城乡建设管理委员会总工程师 Speaker: Liu Qianwei, Chief Engineer, Shanghai Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Management Committee |
10:00-10:15 | 茶 歇 Tea Break |
10:15-10:45 | 报告题目:城市发展与智慧城市建设管理 Topic: Urban Development and Construction Management of Smart Cities 演讲嘉宾:周文波,隧道股份总裁、上海城建集团总裁 Speaker: Zhou Wenbo, CEO of STEC, Shanghai Urban Construction Group |
10:45-11:15 | 报告题目:人工智能能力范围探析 Topic: What Artificial Intelligence Can, and Can't Do 演讲嘉宾:James Christopher Westland,伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 信息与决策科学系教授 Speaker: James Christopher Westland, Professor, Department of Information and Decision-Making Science, University of Illinois, Chicago |
11:15-11:45 | 报告题目:信息技术对经济管理学科的挑战 Topic: The Challenge of Information Technology to the Discipline of Economic Management 演讲嘉宾:吕康娟,上海大学悉尼工商学院常务副院长、教授、博 士生导师 Speaker: Lv Kangjuan, Executive Vice President, Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, SHU-UTS SILC Business School, Shanghai University |
11:45-13:30 | 午 餐 Lunch |
主持人:叶国强,上海市土木工程学会副理事长兼秘书长、上海隧道工程股份有限公司副总工程师 Host: Ye Guoqiang, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of Shanghai Society of Civil Engineering, Deputy Chief Engineer, Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd. | |
13:30-14:00 | 报告题目:基于物联网的远程健康状态监测 Topic: IoT-based Remote Health Status Monitoring 演讲嘉宾:Jemal H. Abawajy,澳大利亚迪肯大学教授 Speaker: Jemal H. Abawajy, Prof., Deacon University, Australia |
14:00-14:30 | 报告题目:智慧的集成建设智慧的城市 Topic: The Integration of Wisdom Bulid Smart Cities 演讲嘉宾:王广斌,同济大学经济与管理学院副院长 Speaker: Wang Guangbin, Vice Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University |
14:30-15:00 | 报告题目:基于大数据的上海智慧城市建设和运营管理探索 Topic: Exploration on Construction and Operation Management of Shanghai Smart City Based on Big Data 演讲嘉宾:张鹏飞,中国建设教育协会BIM专家委员会委员、上海世博发展集团教授级高级工程师 Speaker: Zhang Pengfei, Member of BIM Expert Committee of China Construction Education Association, Senior engineer of Shanghai World Expo Development Group |
15:00-15:30 | 报告题目:大应急背景下基于大数据技术的指挥决策智能化提升方案 Topic: Improved Intelligent Scheme of Command and Decision-Making in Emergency Based on Big Data Technology 演讲嘉宾:韩克,北京建筑技术发展有限责任公司总经理 Speaker: Han Ke, General Manager of Beijing Construction Technology Development Co., Ltd. |
15:30-15:45 | 茶 歇 Tea Break |
15:45-16:15 | 报告题目:未来每个城市都需要一个大脑 Topic: Every City in the Future Needs a Brain 演讲嘉宾:吴翰清,阿里巴巴研究院、上海城市大脑负责人 Speaker: Wu Hanqing, Head of Brain of Shanghai, Alibaba Research Institute |
16:15-16:45 | 报告题目:认知智能在智慧城市之海量维度协同管理方面的应用 Topic: Application of Cognitive Intelligence in Collaborative Management of Mass Dimensions in Smart Cities 演讲嘉宾:潘杭琳,中德设计协会副会长 Speaker: Pan Hanglin, Vice President of China-Germany Design Association |
16:45-17:15 | 报告题目:供应链的区块链、物联网和信任、问题和挑战 Topic: Blockchain, IoT and Trust for Supply Chain, Issues and Challenges 演讲嘉宾:Tharam Dillon,澳大利亚拉筹伯大学兼职教授 Speaker: Tharam Dillon, Adjunct Professor, University of La Trobe, Australia |
17:15-17:45 | 1.大会总结发言 2.宣布最佳论文及最佳学生论文和下届会议地点 1. Conluding remarks 2. Announcement of the best paper, best student’s paper, next host city 发言嘉宾:Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, 美国德州大学圣安东尼奥分校教授 Speaker: Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Professor, University of Texas, San Antonio 3.下一年度承办单位致辞 3. Speech from next organizer 发言嘉宾:张顺香,安徽理工大学计算机学院教授 Speaker: Zhang Shunxiang, Professor, College of Computer Science, Anhui University of Technology |
18:00-20:00 | 晚 宴 Dinner |
7月13日(上午) July 13th a.m. 分论坛一:智慧城市的管理与服务 Sub-forum I: Management and Services of Smart Cities | |
主持人:张颖君,上海市政养护管理有限公司副总经理 Host: Zhang Yingjun, Deputy General Manager, Shanghai Municipal Maintenance and Management Co., Ltd. | |
08:45-09:05 | 上海大学—上海城建城市运营(集团)有限公司战略合作框架协议 签约仪式 Signing Ceremony of Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement of Shanghai University-Shanghai Urban Construction City Operation (Group) Co., Ltd. |
09:05-09:25 | 报告题目:智慧城市背景下城市基础设施运维管理的挑战 Topic: Challenges of Urban Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Management in Smart Cities 演讲嘉宾:侯相琛,哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院院长 Speaker: Hou Xiangchen, Dean, School of Communication Science and Engineering, Harbin University of Technology |
09:25-09:45 | 报告题目:全寿命周期理念在城市交通基础设施中的应用 Topic: Application of Life-Cycle Concept in Urban Transportation Infrastructure 演讲嘉宾:丁炜,上海城建城市运营(集团)有限公司副总经理 Speaker: Ding Wei, Deputy General Manager, Shanghai Urban Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. |
09:45-10:05 | 报告题目:城市基础设施运维监测方法与应用 Topic: Monitoring Method and Application of Urban Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance 演讲嘉宾:赵荣欣,上海市建筑科学研究院总工程师 Speaker: Zhao Rongxin, Chief Engineer, Shanghai Institute of Architectural Sciences |
10:05-10:25 | 报告题目:基于BIM+GIS的北京道路养护运维信息技术体系 Topic: Information Technology System of Beijing Road Maintenance and Operation Based on BIM + GIS 演讲嘉宾:张松,北京市政路桥管理养护集团科研中心研发部部长 Speaker: Zhang Song, Director, Research and Development Department, Research Center, Beijing Municipal Road and Bridge Management and Maintenance Group |
10:25-10:40 | 茶 歇 Tea Break |
10:40-11:00 | 报告题目:数据驱动下的城市基础设施管养模式升级与价值挖掘 Topic: Mode and Value Finding of Data-Driven Upgrading of Urban Infrastructure Management 演讲嘉宾:喻钢,上海大学悉尼工商学院/上海大学-城建集团建筑产业化研究中心技术总监 Speaker: Yu Gang, Technical Director, Building industrialization Research Center, Shanghai University, Sydney Business School / Shanghai University-Urban Construction Group |
11:00-11:20 | 报告题目:跨界工程:光伏路面 Topic: Cross-boundary Works: Photovoltaic Pavement 演讲嘉宾:张宏超,同济大学交通运输工程学院教授 Speaker: Zhang Hongchao, Professor, School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University |
11:20-11:40 | 报告题目:城市建筑固废利用现状及展望 Topic: Present Situation and Prospect of Solid Waste Utilization of Urban Buildings 演讲嘉宾:吴超凡,湖南云中再生科技股份有限公司副总经理、总 工程师 Speaker: Wu Chaofan, Deputy General Manager, General Manager, Engineer of Hunan Yunzhong Regeneration Technology Co., Ltd. |
11:40-12:00 | 报告题目:城市水系统智能化运管的构建模式与案例 Topic: Construction Mode and Case of Intelligent Transportation and Management of Urban Water System 演讲嘉宾:张秀华,中国市政工程华北设计研究总院有限公司副总工程师、科技发展部副部长 Speaker: Zhang Xiuhua, Deputy Chief Engineer and Vice Minister of Science and Technology Development, North China Municipal Engineering Design& Research Institure Co., Ltd. |
7月13日(上午) July 13th a.m. 分论坛二:智慧城市的技术与应用 Sub-Forum Ⅱ: Applications and Techniques of Smart Cities | |
主持人:徐峥,公安部第三研究所研究员、会议程序委员会主席 Host: Xu Zheng, Researcher of the Third Institute of the Ministry of Public Security and Chairman of the Conference Procedure Committee | |
08:45-08:50 | 报告题目:基于重构类中心的模糊支持向量机改进算法 Topic: An Improved Fuzzy Support Vector Machine Algorithm Based on Refactoring Class Center 演讲嘉宾:秦黄莉,安徽理工大学 Speaker: Qin Huangli, Anhui University of Technology |
08:50-08:55 | 报告题目:Apriori-Pro算法改进 Topic: An Improved Apriori-Pro Algorithm 演讲嘉宾:张道义,安徽理工大学 Speaker: Zhang Daoyi, Anhui University of Technology |
08:55-09:00 | 报告题目:所有项目和利基项目推荐算法的影响因素探讨 Topic: Exploring Influential Factors in Recommending Algorithms for All Items and Niche Items 演讲嘉宾:方昱春,上海大学 Speaker: Fang Yuchun, Shanghai University |
09:00-09:05 | 报告题目:基于本体支持和案例推理的国际灾难救援行动双场景模型构建 Topic: Ontology-supported Case-based Reasoning Approach for Double Scenario Model Construction in International Disaster Medical Relief Action 演讲嘉宾:朱敏,清华大学 Speaker: Zhu Min, Tsinghua University |
09:05-09:10 | 报告题目: Topic: E-maintenance Platform Design for Public Infrastructure based on IFC and Semantic Web Technologies 演讲嘉宾:刘云如,上海大学 Speaker: Liu Yunru, Shanghai University |
09:10-09:15 | 报告题目:基于偏最小二乘预测模型的混合交通流动态多目标优化 Topic: Dynamic Multi-objective Optimization for Mixed Traffic Flow Based on Partial Least Squares Prediction Model 演讲嘉宾:薛正轩,上海大学 Speaker: Xue Zhengxuan, Shanghai University |
09:15-09:20 | 报告题目:基于多目标遗传算法的考虑施工现场需求波动的预制构件生产工艺优化 Topic: Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm Based Prefabricated Component Production Process Optimization Considering the Demand Fluctuations in the Construction Site 演讲嘉宾:董鹏,上海大学 Speaker: Dong Peng, Shanghai University |
09:20-09:25 | 报告题目:基于在线情感分析的汽车推荐方法 Topic: The Automobile Recommendation Method Based on Sentiment Analysis of Online 演讲嘉宾:潘壮壮,安徽理工大学 Speaker: Pan Zhuangzhuang, Anhui University of Technology |
09:25-09:30 | 报告题目:基于关联语义网络的微博话题自适应跟踪算法 Topic: An Adaptive Tracking Algorithm for Micro-Blog Topic Based on Association Semantic Network 演讲嘉宾:朱红泽,安徽理工大学 Speaker: Zhu Hongze, Anhui University of Technology |
09:30-09:35 | 报告题目:微博话题的知识抽取 Topic: Knowledge Extracting from Micro-Blog Topic 演讲嘉宾:季鹏飞,安徽理工大学 Speaker: Ji Pengfei, Anhui University of Technology |
09:35-09:40 | 报告题目:基于关系触发词的微博文本人际关系提取 Topic: Personal Relations Extraction from Microblog Text Based on Relations Trigger Words 演讲嘉宾:陈骞,安徽理工大学 Speaker: Chen Qian, Anhui University of Technology |
09:40-09:45 | 报告题目:基于标签潜在语义的推荐算法 Topic: Recommendation Algorithm Based on Latent Semantic of Tags 演讲嘉宾:孙克雷,安徽理工大学 Speaker: Sun Kelei, Anhui University of Technology |
09:45-09:50 | 报告题目:遗产信息系统重构的启发式方法 Topic: A Heuristic for Legacy Information System Remodularization 演讲嘉宾:牟立峰,上海大学 Speaker: Mou Lifeng, Shanghai University |
09:50-09:55 | 报告题目:一种基于经验模态分解的无人机作战态势相似性度量方法 Topic: A UAV Operational Situation Similarity Measurement Method Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition 演讲嘉宾:陆遥,国防科技大学 Speaker: Lu Yao, University of National Defense Science and Technology |
09:55-10:00 | 报告题目:基于互联网+的停车引导信息系统研究 Topic: Research on Parking Guidance Information System Based on "Internet Plus"演讲嘉宾:李洋,上海建桥学院 Speaker: Li Yang, Shanghai Jianqiao University |
10:00-10:05 | 报告题目:基于改进K均值算法的事件元素识别 Topic: Event Element Recognition Based on Improved K-Means Algorithm 演讲嘉宾:廖涛,安徽理工大学 Speaker: Liao Tao, Anhui University of Technology |
10:05-10:10 | 报告题目:RSHCE: 基于虚拟网格结构的无线传感器网络信元交换组路由方案 Topic: RSCHE: A Virtual Grid Structure based Routing Scheme with Cell-Header Group Exchanged for Wireless Sensor Network 演讲嘉宾:周书仁,长沙理工大学 Speaker: Zhou Shuren, Changsha University of Science and Technology |
10:10-10:15 | 报告题目:选择性卷积描述符聚集识别方法的改进 Topic: A Improved Person Reidentification Method by Selective Convolutional Descriptor Aggregation 演讲嘉宾:周书仁,长沙理工大学 Speaker: Zhou Shuren, Changsha University of Science and Technology |
10:15-10:35 | 茶 歇 Tea Break |
10:35-10:40 | 报告题目:基于图像的人的再识别研究综述 Topic: An Overview of Image-based Person Re-identification 演讲嘉宾:王进,长沙理工大学 Speaker: Wang Jin, Changsha University of Science and Technology |
10:40-10:45 | 报告题目:多目标视频跟踪算法综述 Topic: A Survey of Multi-object Video Tracking Algorithms 演讲嘉宾:王进,长沙理工大学 Speaker: Wang Jin, Changsha University of Science and Technology |
10:45-10:50 | 报告题目:软件质量测试评价方法及其在电网中的应用 Topic: A Software Quality Testing Evaluation Method and its Power Grid Application 演讲嘉宾:高兴宇,长沙理工大学 Speaker: Gao Xingyu, Changsha University of Science and Technology |
10:50-10:55 | 报告题目:大数据平台上电网应用指标显示软件评估体系结构 Topic: An Index Display Software Evaluation Architecture for Power Grid Application on Big Data Platform 演讲嘉宾:高兴宇,长沙理工大学 Speaker: Gao Xingyu, Changsha University of Science and Technology |
10:55-11:00 | 报告题目:基于集合矩阵分解的气象信息电数据恢复 Topic: Electrical Data Recovery with Weather Information via Collective Matrix Factorization 演讲嘉宾:何施茗,长沙理工大学 Speaker: He Shiming, Changsha University of Science and Technology |
11:00-11:05 | 报告题目:两阶段检测方案:检测安卓市场中的恶意软件 Topic: Two-Phases Detection Scheme: Detecting Android Malware in Android Markets 演讲嘉宾:何施茗,长沙理工大学 Speaker: He Shiming, Changsha University of Science and Technology |
11:05-11:10 | 报告题目:基于无阈值递归图的时间序列异常检测 Topic: Anomaly Detection in Time Series Data based on Unthresholded Recurrence Plots 演讲嘉宾:冯晓薇,上海大学 Speaker: Feng Xiaowei, Shanghai University |
11:10-11:05 | 报告题目:隧道基础设施维护的数据驱动框架 Topic: A Data-Driven Framework for Tunnel Infrastructure Maintenance 演讲嘉宾:孙瑜峰,上海大学 Speaker: Sun Yofeng, Shanghai University |
11:05-11:10 | 报告题目:盾构施工大数据分析平台的构建与应用 Topic: Building and Application of Shield Construction Big Data Analysis Platform演讲嘉宾:陈刚,上海隧道工程有限公司 Speaker: Chen Gang, Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd. |
11:10-11:15 | 报告题目:中国多城市交通相关社会媒体数据的统计分析 Topic: Statistical Analysis of Traffic-Related Social Media Data of Multiple Cities in China 演讲嘉宾:王璞,中南大学 Speaker: Wang Pu, Central South University |
11:15-11:20 | 报告题目:基于切比雪夫多项式的RFID路径认证协议 Topic: An RFID Path Authentication Protocol Based on Chebyshev Polynomials 演讲嘉宾:曾鹏,华东师范大学 Speaker: Zeng Peng, East China normal University |
11:20-11:25 | 报告题目:基于RFID的高效供应链认证协议 Topic: An Efficient Authentication Protocol for Rfid-Based Supply Chains 演讲嘉宾:曾鹏,华东师范大学 Speaker: Zeng Peng, East China normal University |
11:25-11:30 | 报告题目:基于改进PageRank算法的专业能力测评方法 Topic: A Professional Competence Measurement Approach Based on a Modified PageRank Algorithm 演讲嘉宾:吕闪闪,上海大学 Speaker: Lv Shanshan, Shanghai University |
11:30-11:35 | 报告题目:管廊的分类与编码操作维护模型 Topic: Classification and Coding of Pipe Gallery Bim Model for Operation and Maintenance 演讲嘉宾:陆松涛,上海大学 Speaker: Lu Songtao, Shanghai University |
11:35-11:40 | 报告题目:基于粒子滤波的异常检测预测 Topic: Particle-Filter-based Prediction for Anomaly Detection 演讲嘉宾:许国耀,上海大学 Speaker: Xu Guoyao, Shanghai University |
11:40-11:45 | 报告题目:多用途隧道应急响应的三维室内网络模型 Topic: 3D Indoor Network Model for Emergency Response of Multi-Utility Tunnel演讲嘉宾:毛泽宇,上海大学 Speaker: Mao Zeyu, Shanghai University |
11:45-11:50 | 报告题目:基于危险理论的两阶段时间异常检测算法 Topic: A Two-stage Temporal Anomaly Detection Algorithm based on Danger Theory 演讲嘉宾:郭叶,上海大学 Speaker: Guo Ye, Shanghai University |
11:50-13:00 | 午 餐 Lunch |
7月13日(下午13:00-16:30) July 13th 13:00-16:30 p.m. 参观考察:上海中心大厦 Visit: Shanghai Tower |
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