88 优惠券
2020年3月1日到期。满 200 元可用

首页 > 商务会议 > 学术会议会议 > 2020年英国糖尿病协会专业会议/年会(DUKPC2020) 更新时间:2020-03-11T13:02:07


2020年英国糖尿病协会专业会议/年会(DUKPC2020) 已截止报名

会议时间: 2020-03-18 09:00至 2020-03-20 18:00结束

会议地点: 格拉斯哥  详细地址会前通知  None 周边酒店预订

主办单位: 英国糖尿病协会

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        ◆ 会议时间:2020年3月18-20日 因COVID-19会议取消
        ◆ 会议地点:苏格兰 格拉斯哥

        ◆ 会议简介:

        英国糖尿病协会(Diabetes UK)前身为1934年HG Wells与RD Lawrence成立的糖尿病协会,1954年更名为英国糖尿病协会(BDA),2000年6月更为现名Diabetes UK。Diabetes UK是一个非营利性注册慈善组织,总部位于英国伦敦,在威尔士,苏格兰和北爱尔兰设有办事处。英国糖尿病协会(Diabetes UK)的宗旨是改善糖尿病患者的护理和治疗水平。(未经许可,禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网)。

        Dear Colleagues,
        Professor Jeff Stephens
        As Chair of the Professional Conference Organising Committee and on behalf of the Diabetes UK Conference team, I have great pleasure in welcoming you to the Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2020.

        The conference will be held at the SEC Glasgow from the 18 to the 20 of March 2020.

        The organising committee has developed an exciting and innovative scientific and clinical programme, which brings together the interdisciplinary nature of modern diabetes care. The programme will be of interest to all healthcare professionals and scientists working within diabetes.

        Programme highlights
        This year’s programme delivers eight daily session tracks with a mixture of plenaries, symposia and workshops. The main programme will also include novel and controversial areas relating to diabetes management. The conference will open with a session examining how diabetes care may need to be adapted within a changing NHS. On Wednesday 18 March the key themes will include specific sessions relating to dietetics, the prevention of diabetes, podiatry, pharmacy and primary care, psychology and in-patient care. The themes for Thursday 19 March will include paediatrics, in-patient care, antenatal diabetes, psychology, clinical science and basic science. Specific sessions will examine the role that circadian rhythms, genetics and glucose variability play in the pathophysiology of diabetes. Friday 20 of March will include sessions related to gestational diabetes, technology, basic science and therapies. Along with these, there is a Diabetic Medicine symposium focusing on the advancement of research and practice relating to psychological aspects of diabetes. There will also be a session examining the cardiac, renal and type 1 diabetes perspectives of SGLT2 inhibitors.

        This year the competition for the Named Lectures was extremely high. These lectures are delivered by healthcare and research professionals who have made an outstanding contribution to developments in various areas of diabetes care. Each year, the process is difficult and competitive due to the high calibre of submitted applications. This year the named lectures will be given by Professor Gerry Rayman (Arnold Bloom), Professor Mike Lean (Banting Memorial), Professor Ewan Pearson (Dorothy Hodgkin), Professor Emma Wilmot (Janet Kinson), Dr Neel Basudev (Mary MacKinnon), Dr Sarah Jane Richardson (RD Lawrence) and Dr Denise Robertson (Rank Nutrition).

        We hope that all delegates will find the programme to be relevant, stimulating and educational. In addition, we hope that the conference will afford a unique opportunity to network with colleagues across the diabetes spectrum to share knowledge and good practice. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Diabetes UK Conference team and all members of the organising committee, to include my Vice-Chair Professor Martin Rutter, for their inspiration, support, collaborative thinking and considerable efforts to develop this year’s programme. I would also like to thank all of our sponsors for their continued support to enable Diabetes UK to deliver a world-class conference.

        On behalf of the Professional Conference Organising Committee and the Diabetes UK Conference team we look forward to meeting you in Glasgow. We hope you enjoy the conference and leave with a continued enthusiasm and passion for diabetes care.

        Professor Jeff Stephens

        Professional memberEarly birdStandardOn-site
        Deadline6 December6 March7-20 March
        1 day£130.00£170.00£190.00
        2 days£230.00£310.00£330.00
        3 days£250.00£330.00£350.00

        Non-memberEarly birdStandardOn-site
        Deadline6 December6 March7-20 March
        1 day£190.00£220.00£240.00
        2 days£380.00£410.00£430.00
        3 days£435.00£470.00£490.00

        Student member
        If you're a full-time student who is a professional member of Diabetes UK, you're entitled to free registration for all three days of the conference.
        Student non-memberEarly birdStandardOn-site
        Deadline6 December6 March7-20 March
        1 day£40.00£50.00£60.00
        2 days£80.00£95.00£110.00
        3 days£90.00£100.00£120.00

        Exhibition only
        Access to theexhibition hall only (does not allow access to sessions).
        1 day£55.00
        2 days£110.00
        3 days£165.00

        Your registration fee includes:

        • Admission to all sessions (excluding 'exhibition only' attendees)
        • Lunch and coffee breaks
        • Entry to the Exhibition Hall
        • Delegate bag containing conference materials
        • Access to the conference app
        • Online access to speaker presentation slides after the conference
        • Accredited by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP). You can also claim 18 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points for attending all 3 days of the conference, or six per individual day.

        ◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。









        酒店与住宿: 为防止极端情况下活动延期或取消,建议“异地客户”与活动家客服确认参会信息后,再安排出行与住宿。
        退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。

        还有若干场即将举行的 互联网大会






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