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首页 > 商务会议 > 能源化工会议 > The 2nd European Sustainable Plastics Summit 2024 更新时间:2024-06-05T11:14:08

The 2nd European Sustainable Plastics Summit 2024

The 2nd European Sustainable Plastics Summit 2024 已截止报名

会议时间: 2024-10-22 09:00至 2024-10-23 18:00结束

会议地点: 法兰克福  详细地址会前通知   周边酒店预订


主办单位: ECV International

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        会议内容 主办方介绍

        The 2nd European Sustainable Plastics Summit 2024

        The 2nd European Sustainable Plastics Summit 2024宣传图

        The 2nd European Sustainable Plastics Summit 2024

        Date: October 22-23,2024

        Place: Frankfurt, Germany

        Organizer: ECV International

        Tickets: Offline (On-site) &Online (Live Broadcast)

        The modern world cannot deny the enormous contribution of plastics to social and economic sustainability, which has led to countless employment opportunities and trade transactions. Its lightweight, durable and mouldable properties have also helped many end-users (such as packaging, automotive, electronics, construction, etc.) to offer potential in terms of saving energy consumption, extending service life, and irregular and creative design.However, the increasing production and consumption of plastics as well as the improper disposal of plastic wast have aroused concern about the sustainable development of plastic industry. According to the official data, in Europe, “almost 26 million tonnes of plastic waste generated every year, around 80% of marine litter is plastic, 87% of Europeans are worried about the impact of plastic products on the environment”. As concerns over environmental impact, plastic pollution, and resource depletion intensify, the need for collective action and innovative solutions has never been more critical. Actions must be taken by the industry stakeholders to jointly improve the adverse impact of plastics on the environment and health.The 2nd European Sustainable Plastics Summit 2024 (ESPS 2024) will gather key stakeholders, industry leaders, policymakers, and experts from across the plastics value chain, aiming to be a catalyst for positive change by fostering collaboration, innovation, and actionable insights to address the challenges and opportunities in reshaping the future of plastics.

        The conference will feature an esteemed panel of 18+ speakers representing the pinnacle of knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable plastics.

        Focus on the latest developments and trends in the global plastics industry and discuss a series of cutting-edge topics, including but not limited to:

        1. Market Analysis and Insights on Sustainable Plastics

        2. EU Policies and Measures to Restrict Microplastics

        3. Innovative Plastics Recycling Systems

        4. Moving Further Towards Carbon Neutrality: The Closed-Loop Cycle of Automotive Plastic Components

        5. The Recycling and Reusing of Plastic Materials in Computer Manufacturing Industry

        6. High-Quality Recycled Plastics Lead the Sustainable Wave

        7. Strategy and Practice: Reduce the Environmental Footprint by Using Recycled Plastic Fibers

        8. Incorporating Recycled Plastics into Construction to Drive the Green Building Revolution

        9. Panel Discussion: The Prospect of Circular and Zero-pollution Plastics

        10. Sustainability in the Plastic Manufacturing Process

        11. ......

        By organizing multiple sustainable plastics summits, such as the Asia Sustainable Plastics Summit 2024, European Sustainable Plastics Summit 2023, China Sustainable Plastics Summit 2023 , ECV International has established extensive influence and recognition in the field of sustainable plastics.

        The 2nd European Sustainable Plastics Summit 2024 will be a grand event that brings together industry elites, discusses cutting-edge issues, and promotes cooperation and win-win results. We look forward to witnessing the sustainable development of the plastics industry with you!


        ECV International

        上海希为(ECV International)是亚洲领先的国际高端商业峰会及活动的主办和承办机构,拥有近 200位行业研究及活动策划、运营专家,每年在全球举办约40场高端国际峰会,涉及零售、汽车、纺织、鞋业、物联网、新科技等行业。 我们为超过半数的财富 2,000 强企业提供专业的商业会议及咨询服务,每年有超过 6,000 位来自戴姆勒、通用电气、阿迪达斯、可口可乐、阿里巴巴、ABB等跨国公司、专业机构及创新企业的决策人参加我们的会议和活动。我们的使命是通过提供专业服务帮助客户抓住发展机遇、迎接挑战、实现全球范围内的可持续发展,进而影响行业格局,引领行业未来。 ECV International is a leading organizer and contractor of high-end international business events in Asia, with nearly 200 professionals in industrial research and event planning & execution. Every year, we hold around 40 high-level international summits involved in the fields of vehicle, retail, textile, footwear, IoT, New Science & Technology industry, etc. We have served more than half of the Fortune 2,000 companies, and every year more than 6,000 delegates from multinational enterprises, specialized organizations and creative companies take part in our events, i.e. Daimler, GE, Adidas, Coca-Cola, Alibaba, ABB, etc. Our mission is to provide professional services to connect and inform the stakeholders who would be able to shape the industry landscape in the future and to create more value for our clientele through our efforts to help them seize opportunities, meet challenges and achieve sustainable development on a global basis.







        票种名称 价格 原价 票价说明
        线下票 ¥14919 ¥14919 本次会议线上线下同步举行 会场提供同声传译 (中英文相互翻译)
        线上票 ¥10168 ¥10168 本次会议线上线下同步举行,会场提供同声传译(中英文互译)


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        退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。


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