首页>演讲嘉宾> Hongyang Wang 更新时间:
Professor Hongyang Wang focusesonmolecular mechanismsandtranslational medicine research, and hasmadesignificant contributions tothemolecular mechanism oftumorigenesis,signaling network regulation, andnovelliver cancer biomarkercharacterization.She screened a setofnovelbiomarkers and developed monoclonalantibodies for HCCdiagnosis;clonedseveral new HCC related genes and clarifiedtheir functions;reportedtheabnormal signaling of some oncogenes in HCC whichprovided newtargets fortheprevention and treatment of HCC. More than 170papers werepublishedinimportant international magazines such as NatureComm., CancerCell,J.E.M., Gastroenterology, Hepatology,CancerRes., Nature etc.She also applied 28innovation patents (2internationalpatent), and 13 of themhave been warranted. Prof. Wanghasreceived importantrecognitionsto her excellent research includingNationalAwards for Science andTechnologyProgress (Innovation Team Award),NationalNatural Science Award(Grade II),Science and Technology Award of HOLEUNG HOLEE FOUNDATION, andShanghaiMedical Science and Technology Award (GradeI). In2005, Prof. Wangwasselected as member of Chinese Academy ofEngineering, and member of TWAS