Dr. Gu is currently Associate Director of Molecular Virologyat CNIBR. His current research area involves HBV and liver disease, Epstein Bar virus (EBV)and EBV associated cancers. Dr. Gu obtained his BS in biology from Fudan University, Shanghai and his MS and Ph.D in Molecular and Cell biology from The Penn State University in the US where he was a CUSBEA fellow sponsored by the Chinese Education Ministry. After his postdoctoral training at UC Berkeley and the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Gu spent seven years at Glaxo Smith Kline and led a number of antiviral drug discovery programs against a variety of viruses including HSV, HBV and HCV. In 2003, Dr. Guwas appointed Associated Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Drexel University,Philadelphia where he investigated the molecular pathogenesis mechanisms of Flaviviruses and led a bio-defense antiviral drug discovery program against West Nile virus. Dr. Gu moved to Shanghai in 2007 when China Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research was first established.