由Science杂志主办的2016 Science 机器人国际联盟大会于2016-09-28在中欧国际会议中心举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Gursel Alici更新时间:2016-09-28
Gursel Alici received the Ph.D. degree in robotics from the Department of Engineering Science, Oxford University, Oxford, U.K., in 1994. He is currently a Senior Professor at the University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, where he is the Head of the School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering since 2011. His research interests are soft robotics, system dynamics and control, robotic drug delivery systems, novel actuation concepts for biomechatronic applications, robotic mechanisms and manipulation systems, soft and smart actuators and sensors, and medical robotics. He has generated more than 300 refereed publications, and delivered numerous invited seminars and keynote talks on his areas of research. Dr. Alici was a Technical Editor of the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics during 2008–2012. He is a Technical Editor of the IEEE Access, the first IEEE open access journal with interdisciplinary scope. He is a Member of the Mechatronics National Panel formed by the Institution of Engineers, Australia. He has served on the international program committee of numerous IEEE/ASME International Conferences on Robotics and Mechatronics. He was the General Chair of the 2013 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics held in Wollongong, Australia. He is the leader of Soft Robotics for Prosthetic Devices theme of the ARC Center of Excellence for Electromaterials Science. He received the Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning Award in 2010 and the 2013 Vice-Chancellor’s Interdisciplinary Research Excellence Award from the University of Wollongong.
Gursel Alici出席会议日程
由Science杂志主办的2016 Science 机器人国际联盟大会于2016-09-28在中欧国际会议中心举办。