蒙特雷市由长城会(GWC)主办的G-Summit 2017全球科学峰会于2017-08-23在西班牙湾假日酒店举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Thomas Dittler更新时间:2017-08-23
Senior C-Level Executive / Entrepreneur with experience in starting ventures and turning-a-round companies in tech industries Interested in - management buy out and turn-a-round situations with active involvement (CEO, Director, Investor) - managing external innovations for multinational corporations (Advisor) - technology start ups, preferably seed stage, high impact & high risk products (Investor, Mentor) Key values: absolute integrity, innovation-driven, focus on building goodwill and friendship
Thomas Dittler出席会议日程
由长城会(GWC)主办的G-Summit 2017全球科学峰会于2017-08-23在西班牙湾假日酒店举办。