戚益军 博士 专业学者特聘教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者 教育经历 1998-2001,浙江大学生物技术研究所,博士 1995-1998,原浙江农业大学生物技术研究所,硕士 1991-1995,南京农业大学植物保护系,本科 工作经历 2011-现在,清华大学生命科学学院,教授 2010-2011,北京生命科学研究所,高级研究员 2006-2010,北京生命科学研究所,研究员 2004-2006 ,美国冷泉港实验室,博士后 2001-2004,美国俄亥俄州立大学,博士后 研究方向 植物小RNA与长非编码RNA的生物学功能和作用机制、植物表观遗传的作用机制。 开设课程 高级植物生物学、RNA生物学 代表性论文(*通讯作者) Liu, M., Ba, Z., Costa-Nunes, P., Wei, W., Li, L., Kong, F., Li, Y., Chai, J., Pontes, O. and Qi, Y. * (2017) IDN2 interacts with RPA and facilitates DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, doi:10.1105/tpc.16.00769. Cui, Y.#, Fang, X.# and Qi, Y.* (2016) TRANSPORTIN1 Promotes the Association of MicroRNA with ARGONAUTE1 in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 28: 2576-2585 Fang, X. and Qi, Y.* (2016) RNAi in plants: An Argonaute-centered view. The Plant Cell, 28: 272-285 (Review) Ye, R., Chen, Z., Lian, B., Rowley, M., Xia, N., Chai, J., Li, Y., Wierzbicki A., and Qi, Y. * (2016) A Dicer-independent route for biogenesis of siRNAs that direct DNA methylation in Arabidopsis. Molecular Cell, 61: 222-235 Fang, X., Cui, Y., Li, Y., and Qi, Y.* (2015) Transcription and processing of primary miRNAs are coupled by Elongator complex in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants, doi:10.1038/nplants.2015.75 Wu, J., Yang, Z., Wang, Y., Zheng, L., Ye, R., Ji, Y., Zhao, S., Ji, S., Liu, R., Xu, L., Zheng, H., Zhou, Y., Zhang, X., Cao, X., Xie, L., Wu, Z. *, Qi, Y.*, and Li, Y.* (2015) Viral-Inducible Argonaute18 confers broad-spectrum virus resistance in rice by sequestering a host microRNA. eLife, 10.7554/eLife.05733 Wu, X., Shi, Y., Li, J., Xu, L., Fang, Y., Li, X., and Qi, Y.* (2013). A role for the RNA-binding protein MOS2 in microRNA maturation in Arabidopsis. Cell Research,23: 645-657 Ye, R. #, Wang, W. #, Iki, T., Liu, C., Wu, Y., Ishikawa M., Zhou, X., and Qi, Y.* (2012). Cytoplasmic assembly and selective nuclear import of Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE4/siRNA complexes. Molecular Cell, 46: 859-870 Wei, W. #, Ba, Z. #, Gao, M., Wu, Y., Ma, Y., Amiard, S., White, C., Danielsen, J., Yang, Y., and Qi, Y.* (2012). A role for small RNAs in DNA double-strand break repair. Cell, 149:101-112 Wang, W. #, Ye, R. #, Xin, Y., Feng, X., Li, C., Zhou, X., and Qi, Y.* (2011). An Importin β protein negatively regulates microRNA activity in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 23: 3565-3576 Wu, L. #, Zhou, H. #, Zhang, Q., Ni, F., Liu, C., and Qi, Y.* (2010). DNA methylation mediated by a microRNA pathway. Molecular Cell, 38: 465-475 Wu, L., Zhang, Q., Zhou, H., Ni, F., Wu, X., and Qi, Y.* (2009). Rice microRNA effector complexes and targets. The Plant Cell, 21: 3421-3435 Mi, S. #, Cai, T. #, Hu Y., Chen Y., Hodges E., Ni F., Wu L., Li S., Zhou H., Long C., Chen S., Hannon G., and Qi, Y.* (2008) Sorting of small RNAs into Arabidopsis Argonaute complexes is directed by the 5’ terminal nucleotide. Cell, 133: 116-127 Zhao, T. #, Li, G. #, Mi, S., Li, S., Hannon, G., Wang, X.-J.*, and Qi, Y*. (2007). A complex system of small RNAs in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genes and Development, 29: 1190-1203 荣誉、奖励 2010年获谈家桢生命科学创新奖 2011年获教育部专业学者特聘教授 2012年获国家杰出青年基金 2013年获中国青年科技奖 2015年国家自然科学基金“创新研究群体”学术带头人 2016年获国家自然科学奖二等奖(第一完成人)
戚益军 出席会议日程