北京由北京讯息展信息技术有限公司 主办的2016中国光网络研讨会及中国FTTH论坛于2016-06-15在珠三角JW万豪酒店举办。
Benyuan Zhu joined Bell Laboratories at Holmdel, NJ, USA in 1999, and he is currently a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in OFS Laboratories, Somerset, NJ, USA. He has been primarily working on high-speed DWDM transmission systems, and his current interests include beyond 100-Gb/s optical coherence transmission systems, novel fiber and advanced optical amplifier technologies. He has authored/ coauthored more than 140 journal and conference papers, and one book chapter in the field of optical fiber communications, and he holds +10 patents. Benyuan Zhu received the Ph.D. degree in applied physics from Bath University, Bath, UK, in 1996.
由北京讯息展信息技术有限公司 主办的2016中国光网络研讨会及中国FTTH论坛于2016-06-15在珠三角JW万豪酒店举办。