上海由Think技术社区主办的SwiftCon China 2016于2016-04-23在华纳风格酒店举办。
Saul Mora is an American iOS developer. He has been involved with the iOS community for several years. He has helped start Cocoaheads and NSCoderNight meetups in Phoenix, Arizona and Denver, Colorado. He is the author of MagicalRecord, the iOS framework for use with Core Data. Saul is a co-author of Core Data by Tutorials published with Ray Wenderlich Over the past few years, Saul has produced the NSBrief podcast to talk to many developers in the iOS and Mac development community. Saul has also shared his knowledge in person all over the world giving talks at many developer conferences in the USA and Europe. Saul has spent the last year in Silicon Valley and has recently decided to move to China to pursue his goal to become fluent in the Chinese language. He is eager to meet iOS developers everywhere and share his knowledge and experience with all the developers in China. Compiling Swiftly One of the most well know “features” of the Swift language are the slow build times. Embracing the future shouldn’t make developers slower due to long build times. But how do you analyze your builds? Pointing Instruments at Xcode during a build won’t help very much. It turns out there are some secret and not so secret switches and dials in Xcode we can use to find out the bottlenecks in our builds, and we’ll also go over some simple code examples of how to write code that builds fast.
由Think技术社区主办的SwiftCon China 2016于2016-04-23在华纳风格酒店举办。