北京由O'Reilly主办的Strata Data Conference 北京2017于2017-07-13在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Ron Hu更新时间:2017-07-13
Ron-Chung Hu is a Database System Architect at Huawei Technologies where he works on building a big data analytics platform based on Apache Spark. Prior to joining Huawei, he used to work at Teradata, Sybase, and MarkLogic with a focus on parallel database systems and search engine. Ron holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Los Angeles.
Ron Hu出席会议日程
由O'Reilly主办的Strata Data Conference 北京2017于2017-07-13在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。