上海由上海真咨商务咨询有限公司主办的第二届WRE零售&电子商务 CIO 峰会于2017-12-07在上海浦东锦江汤臣洲际大酒店举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> 亚当·布洛特曼(Adam Brotman)更新时间:2017-12-07
亚当·布洛特曼(Adam Brotman),星巴克首席数字官,Adam Brotman is executive vice president, Global Retail Operations and Partner Digital Engagement for Starbucks. Adam leads the team responsible for field operations, ensuring Starbucks partners (employees) are engaged with the company and one another, and supported with the tools and systems needed to deliver a world-class customer experience.
亚当·布洛特曼(Adam Brotman)出席会议日程
由上海真咨商务咨询有限公司主办的第二届WRE零售&电子商务 CIO 峰会于2017-12-07在上海浦东锦江汤臣洲际大酒店举办。