Will Baker is Lecturer in Modern Languages at the University of Southampton, UK, where he teaches applied linguistics and is the convenor for the postgraduate MA programme in Global Englishes. He is a founding member and Deputy Director of the University’s Centre for Global Englishes. He is co-editor of the De Gruyter Mouton book series “Developments in English as a Lingua Franca.” His current research interests include ELF, intercultural communication, culture and language, English medium instruction, e-learning, and ELT. He has published and presented internationally on all these areas including: Baker, Will. (Forthcoming). Culture and identity through English as a lingua franca: rethinking concepts and goals in intercultural communication Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Baird, R., Baker, W., & Kitazawa, M. (2014). The Complexity of English as a Lingua Franca. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca. 3(1), 171-196 Baker, W. (2012). From cultural awareness to intercultural awareness: culture in ELT. ELT Journal, 66(1), 62-70. Baker, W. (2009). The cultures of English as a lingua franca. TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 567-592.