金华由浙江师范大学主办的 国际三维图像获取与显示技术:感知与应用研讨会于2016-10-31在浙江师范大学国际交流中心举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Andrew Forbes更新时间:2016-10-31
Andrew received his PhD (1998) from the University of Natal, and subsequently spent several years working as an applied laser physicist, first for the South African Atomic Energy Corporation and then later in a private laser company where he was Technical Director. Andrew sits on several international conference committees, chairs the SPIE international conference on Laser Beam Shaping and is Chair of the OSA’s Holography and Diffractive Optics group. He is a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa and a Fellow of SPIE.
Andrew Forbes出席会议日程
由浙江师范大学主办的 国际三维图像获取与显示技术:感知与应用研讨会于2016-10-31在浙江师范大学国际交流中心举办。