由CFA China主办的2016中国投资峰会 - 转型中国(China Investment Conference - China in Transition)于2016-08-20在上海金茂君悦大酒店举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Ting Lu更新时间:2016-08-20
Ting Lu, CFA, is global head of research and global head of equity, institutional sales, and trading at Huatai Securities. Previously, he served at Bank of America Merrill Lynch as managing director, head of greater China economics, and a member of the Asia Pacific Management Committee in the Merrill Lynch Global Research Department. Dr. Lu has ranked as a top economist in a number of surveys, including number one in Economics in the All-Asia and All-China Institutional Investor surveys; number one in the China Country category in the All-Asia Institutional Investor surveys; one of The Asset’s Asian G3 Bond Benchmark Review Best Economists and Credit Strategists and one of the Top 10 Economists and Credit Strategists; and number one in Economics in the Asiamoney survey. He holds a BA and an MA in economics from Peking University and a PhD in economics from University of California, Berkeley.
Ting Lu出席会议日程
由CFA China主办的2016中国投资峰会 - 转型中国(China Investment Conference - China in Transition)于2016-08-20在上海金茂君悦大酒店举办。