由中国医药生物技术协会精准医疗分会主办的2016国际精准医疗学术及产业论坛 于2016-10-21在上海颖奕皇冠假日酒店举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Johanna Olweus更新时间:2016-10-21
Tenured Professor at the University of Oslo and Head of Department of Cancer Immunology at the Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital Radiumhospitalet. Director of K.G. Jebsen Center for Cancer Immunotherapy where she focuses on the development of new strategies for T-cell based cancer immunotherapy and mechanistic analyses of the immune responses in clinical immunotherapy trials.
Johanna Olweus出席会议日程
由中国医药生物技术协会精准医疗分会主办的2016国际精准医疗学术及产业论坛 于2016-10-21在上海颖奕皇冠假日酒店举办。