北京由北京渠达无限文化传媒有限公司主办的中国Hadoop技术峰会(CHINA HADOOP SUMMIT)2016 北京于2016-03-18在北京永泰福朋喜来登酒店举办。
Xinhui Li is a Staff Engineer at VMware. Her work focuses on design and optimization of distributed systems, mostly in the Cloud Computing and Big Data fields. She works on enabling adoption of new virtualization technologies by Big Data Infrastructure. She is also a core contributor to OpenStack Community. She has 12 international patents, published 3 technical documents, and 5 papers on international PIC top/target academy journal and conferences.
由北京渠达无限文化传媒有限公司主办的中国Hadoop技术峰会(CHINA HADOOP SUMMIT)2016 北京于2016-03-18在北京永泰福朋喜来登酒店举办。