北京由argus主办的2017 阿格斯FMB亚洲化肥会议于2017-03-29在北京JW万豪酒店举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Mike Nash更新时间:2017-03-29
Mike Nash is the editor of the weekly Argus FMB Phosphates report, which provides price assessments that are used as a benchmark in many contracts around the world and includes market commentary and news and analysis. He is also the main contributor to the monthly Argus FMB Phosphates Outlook. Mike has a decade of experience covering the international phosphates market for a variety of UK-based companies. He has also covered international energy and petrochemical markets and previously edited a number of manufacturing and engineering titles in the UK.
Mike Nash出席会议日程
由argus主办的2017 阿格斯FMB亚洲化肥会议于2017-03-29在北京JW万豪酒店举办。