首页>演讲嘉宾> Bingru Huang更新时间:2015-06-15
Bingru Huang is currently a Distinguished Professor and Ralph Geiger Endowed Chair Professor, Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, Rutgers University. Her research program focuses on the exploration of physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms of perennial grass tolerance to abiotic stresses (heat, drought, salinity, and cold). She has authored or co-authored over 250 refereed journal articles, edited 2 books, and 25 book chapters. She has received more than 40 awards and honors, including Tengtu Agricultural Science Award, American Society of America (2015), Fellow of American Association of the Advanced Science (AAAS) (2011), Thousand Talents by the Chinese Central Government Council (2010), Fellow of Crop Science Society of America (2004), Fellow of American Society of Agronomy (2003), Recognition Award - New Jersey Turfgrass Association (2008), Young Crop Scientist Award -Crop Science Society of America (1997), Outstanding Professor of the Year Award by-Rutgers University (2008 and 2011), Research Excellence and Impact Award- Rutgers University (2007), Outstanding Young Overseas Chinese Investigator (National Science Foundation of China, 2007), and Chang Jiang Scholar, named by Chinese Ministry of Education for distinguished professors (2006). She has served on editorial boards as associate editor for several journals, including Environmental and Experimental Botany, Physiologia Plantarum, Plant Root, Crop Science, and Agronomy Journal.
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