北京由长城会(GWC)主办的2015全球互联网大会 开发者星球于2015-04-28在北京国家会议中心举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Jon Paris更新时间:2015-04-28
Jon is a Bay Area native who went to UC Berkeley to study physics and meet Jane, the love of his life and team page copy editor! After graduation, Jon served as a campus minister at Berkeley and Stanford, working with emerging leaders to make the world a better place. As CEO, Jon leads the Astrid team with a passion to leverage technology to improve peoples’ lives.
Jon Paris出席会议日程
由长城会(GWC)主办的2015全球互联网大会 开发者星球于2015-04-28在北京国家会议中心举办。