首页>演讲嘉宾> Asif Raza更新时间:2015-08-01
Asif Raza, Consultant Urologist of London Northwest Healthcare NHS Trust, UK.Mr Raza graduated from Glasgow University Medical School in 1991. He trained as a specialist registrar in Urology on the East of Scotland Training Programme in Urology. He trained in Minimal Access Surgery / Endourology (keyhole surgery for kidney stones using laser and electrohydraulic lithotripsy) and during part of this period he trained in Laparoscopic Renal Surgery (keyhole surgery for both benign and malignant renal conditions).He also trained in the Scottish Lithotriptor (Stone) Centre Western General Hospital Edinburgh, in minimal access and stone surgery. He trained in Ninewells Teaching Hospital (Dundee) performing minimal access (keyhole) surgery during part of this period. Ninewells hospital has close links with the Cuschieri Laparoscopic Training centre.After completion of his registrar training he was appointed as a Consultant Urological Surgeon in Ealing Hospital (London) and Honorary Consultant at Hammersmith Hospital NHS Trust (London). He also holds the post of Honorary Senior Lecturer (Imperial College Medical School, London).His current NHS post is with London Northwest Healthcare NHS Trust.His areas of subspecialist interest are kidney surgery (keyhole and laser) with a particular interest in kidney stones. He also deals with prostate problems offering prostate cancer screening and diagnosis, conventional (TURP) and other general urological conditions of the bladder and genital organs including circumcision both adult and paediatric.He is listed as a scientific expert in Labome.org. He is a core lecturer for the Rila Institute of Health Services (London). He is an Editor for the Urology and Nephrology Open Access Journal.He is an Associate Professor for the American Medical University of the Carribean and visiting honorary Professor for Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad, Pakistan.
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