由IET主办的2015 IET 生物医学图像与信号处理国际会议于2015-11-19在会议指定场馆举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Cristian a . Linte更新时间:2015-11-19
Dr. Cristian A. Linte, Assistant Professor at Rochester Institute of Technology.Cristian A. Linte holds an academic appointment as Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering and Center for Imaging Science at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester NY. Dr. Linte received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Western Ontario in 2010 and Robarts Research Institute. His research focused on the development, evaluation and pre-clinical integration of image guidance techniques for surgical navigation of minimally invasive cardiac interventions. Following his doctoral studies, Cristian spent two years at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN at the Biomedical Imaging Resource as a research fellow sponsored by an early career investigator fellowship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada to investigate novel paradigms for visualization and surgical navigation for minimally invasive therapy.
Cristian a . Linte出席会议日程
由IET主办的2015 IET 生物医学图像与信号处理国际会议于2015-11-19在会议指定场馆举办。