北京由全球华人计算机教育应用学会主办的全球华人计算机教育应用大会GCCCE 2016:大数据时代的学与教于2016-05-23在香港教育学院举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Kam-cheong LI更新时间:2016-05-23
Dr. Kam-cheong LI is the Director of the University Research Centre, the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK). He oversees research of the University and has been actively involved in flexible and innovative modes of education for more than 20 years. At OUHK, he has served a wide variety of roles (e.g. course developer and course development team coordinator, course coordinator, instructor and tutor) in a broad range of learning programmes (including distance learning, e-Learning, and blended learning). He has been in charge of degree programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in areas of business, education and language studies. Currently, he also serves as the Secretary-General of the Asian Association of Open Universities.
Kam-cheong LI出席会议日程
由全球华人计算机教育应用学会主办的全球华人计算机教育应用大会GCCCE 2016:大数据时代的学与教于2016-05-23在香港教育学院举办。