北京由O'Reilly和Cloudera主办的首届Strata + Hadoop World北京大会于2016-08-03在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Jerry Shao 更新时间:2016-08-03
Jerry Shao ,Member of Technical Staff, Hortonworks。 Jerry Shao works as a member of the technical staff at Hortonworks focused mainly on Spark, especially Spark core, Spark on YARN, and Spark Streaming. Jerry is an active Apache Spark contributor and Apache Chukwa committer. Prior to Hortonworks, he was a software engineer at Intel working on performance tuning and optimization of Hadoop and Spark.
Jerry Shao 出席会议日程
由O'Reilly和Cloudera主办的首届Strata + Hadoop World北京大会于2016-08-03在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。