由火星峰会Mars Summit 主办的龙晚宴——独角兽创始人、500强高管、粤港企业家、政府官员于2017-12-10在None举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Trevor Owens更新时间:2017-12-10
Trevor Owens,Startup Machina创始人,《精益创业》作者,培训25000名企业家,Trevor Owens is an author and entrepreneur. He’s the CEO and founder of Lean Startup Machine and Javelin. Owens has helped tens of thousands of startup founders and individuals from organizations including Google, Salesforce, News Corp, Intuit and others, start new businesses around the world.
In his book, The Lean Enterprise (Wiley 2014), Owens and co-author Obie Fernandez detail approaches for corporations to structure innovation teams and apply Lean Startup to launching new products. Owens’ work has been featured in national media outlets, including Forbes, Bloomberg, Fast Company, Business Insider, Mashable and others.
Trevor Owens出席会议日程
由火星峰会Mars Summit 主办的龙晚宴——独角兽创始人、500强高管、粤港企业家、政府官员于2017-12-10在None举办。