北京由Postgres中国用户会主办的大象会2015 Postgres 用户大会于2015-11-20在北京丽亭华苑酒店举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Kai Gai Kohei更新时间:2015-11-20
Kai Gai Kohei, NEC Business Creation Division/PG-Strom Project,Kai Gai Kohei has contributed PostgreSQL and various OSS projects for more than 10 yera.He developed some upstream features like selinux integration,security-barrier view, writable FDW and custom-scan/join interface,Recently,he focuses on the upcoming parallel query execution capability for both of homogeneous and heterogeneous.
Kai Gai Kohei出席会议日程
由Postgres中国用户会主办的大象会2015 Postgres 用户大会于2015-11-20在北京丽亭华苑酒店举办。