巴黎由科学文化交流会议主办的第七届国际经济,贸易和发展会议(ICETD 2017)于2017-03-10在巴黎举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Jiří Strouhal更新时间:2017-03-10
Prof. Jiří Strouhal,Škoda Auto University Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic;Jiří Strouhal is full professor at the Departmet of Finance and Accounting at Škoda Auto University Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic. He gained his Ph.D. degree at the University of Economics Prague in 2005, associate professorship (habilitation) in 2012 and full professorship being named by President of the Czech Republic in 2016. He also acts as professional advisor in the field of accounting and corporate finance and since 2011 he is a President of Association of Czech Professional Accountants. His research interests cover: international accounting, financial statements analysis and corporate finance.
Jiří Strouhal出席会议日程
由科学文化交流会议主办的第七届国际经济,贸易和发展会议(ICETD 2017)于2017-03-10在巴黎举办。