由Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院) 主办的第九届工程与商业管理国际会议 (EBM 2018)于2018-03-23在None举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Prof. Shankar Chelliah更新时间:2018-03-23
Dr.Shankar Chelliah is currently affiliates with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), based in Penang, Malaysia. Prior becoming academician, he has fifteen years of corporate experiences by holding various positions in blue chip companies such as Motorola and Intel. Currently positioned in the section of International Business and teaching subjects such as international new venture, international trade law, and international business management. Apart from supervising students at postgraduate level, he is actively involved in consultancy services and social responsibility initiatives to key clients from the industry. His current research interests include: (a) internationalization – medical tourism, strategies in international trade, born global firms, SMEs etc, (b) green management as competitive capabilities in organizations and (c) strategic management in education – internationalization of education, holistic approach to education, and understanding the future challenges of education. Dr.Shankar Chelliah has published more than 100 publications in text books, chapter in books, high impact journals (SCOPUS/ISI), and both international and local conference proceedings. Has successfully received more than RM250,000 in total grant from the government in pursuing research in the above mentioned areas. Graduated more than 10 Phd and Master students. He also actively writes in the media mass on the areas relates to his research topics to outreach the community.
Prof. Shankar Chelliah出席会议日程
由Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院) 主办的第九届工程与商业管理国际会议 (EBM 2018)于2018-03-23在None举办。