由Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院) 主办的土壤修复与植物保护国际会议(SRPP 2018)于2018-03-23在桂林市金龙珠国际大酒店举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Prof. M. E. Asadi更新时间:2018-03-23
Mr. Mohammad Esmaeil Asadi, an Iranian citizen, finished my Ph.D degree in Integrated Water Resources Management, at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand in Aug 2001. Currently I am working as a principle research scientist in Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center (GANRREC) that is governmental center which is situated in Golestan Province north part of Iran near Caspian Sea. My research interests are as follows:
1- Irrigation/drainage systems design, development and performance evaluation
2- Conservation Agriculture (CA), Soil and water management of upland crops
3- Development/validation/applications of water management, and crop models
4- Precision Farming
5- Climate change, agrometeorology and cropwatch
Prof. M. E. Asadi出席会议日程
由Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院) 主办的土壤修复与植物保护国际会议(SRPP 2018)于2018-03-23在桂林市金龙珠国际大酒店举办。