北京由Intel Nervana主办的O'Reilly和Intel人工智能2018北京大会于2018-04-10在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Simon Chan更新时间:2018-04-10
Simon Chan is a senior director of product management for Salesforce Einstein, where he oversees platform development and delivers products that empower everyone to build smarter apps with Salesforce. Simon is a product innovator and serial entrepreneur with more than 14 years of global technology management experience in London, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Beijing, and the Bay Area. Previously, Simon was the cofounder and CEO of PredictionIO, a leading open source machine learning server (acquired by Salesforce). Simon holds a BSE in computer science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a PhD in machine learning from University College London.
Simon Chan出席会议日程
由Intel Nervana主办的O'Reilly和Intel人工智能2018北京大会于2018-04-10在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。