由Intel Nervana主办的O'Reilly和Intel人工智能2018北京大会于2018-04-10在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Mark Hammond 更新时间:2018-04-10
Some are cognitive scientists; others are computer scientists and engineers. Mark Hammond is a cognitive entrepreneur bringing together both fields along with business acumen. He has a deep passion for understanding how the mind works, combined with an understanding of own human nature, and turns that knowledge into beneficial applied technology. As the founder and CEO of Bonsai, Mark is enabling AI for everyone. Mark has been programming since the first grade and started working at Microsoft as an intern and contractor while still in high school. He has held positions at Microsoft and numerous startups and in academia, including turns at Numenta and in the Yale Neuroscience Department. He holds a degree in computation and neural systems from Caltech.
Mark Hammond 出席会议日程
由Intel Nervana主办的O'Reilly和Intel人工智能2018北京大会于2018-04-10在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。