由Intel Nervana主办的O'Reilly和Intel人工智能2018北京大会于2018-04-10在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Yinyin Liu更新时间:2018-04-10
Yinyin Liu is the head of data science for AIPG at Intel, where she works with a team of data scientists on applying deep learning and Intel Nervana technologies to business applications across different industry domains and driving the development and design of the Intel Nervana platform. She and the Intel AI Products Group team have developed open source deep learning frameworks, such as neon and Intel Nervana Graph, bringing state-of-the-art models on image recognition, image localization, and natural language processing into the frameworks. Yinyin has research experience in computer vision, neuromorphic computing, and robotics.
Yinyin Liu出席会议日程
由Intel Nervana主办的O'Reilly和Intel人工智能2018北京大会于2018-04-10在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。