北京由长城会(GWC)主办的GMIC 2018 北京 全球移动互联网大会(AI生万物)于2018-04-26在北京国家会议中心举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Tongzhou (Simon) Wang更新时间:2018-04-26
Simon is interested in building a flexible and fast platform for AI research. At FAIR, he works on supporting PyTorch, and enhancing it with new features and functionalities. Before joining FAIR, Simon studied computer science and statistics at UC Berkeley. During his undergraduate years at Berkeley, Simon conducted several internships at Facebook Seattle, Airbnb, and a start-up company. Simon's research interests include understanding deep learning, discovering & utilizing structures in data, and combining the powers of deep learning with probabilistic models. Outside of work, Simon has been working with Professors Stuart Russell, Ren Ng, and Alexei Efros on research projects in machine learning and computer vision.
Tongzhou (Simon) Wang出席会议日程
由长城会(GWC)主办的GMIC 2018 北京 全球移动互联网大会(AI生万物)于2018-04-26在北京国家会议中心举办。