上海会宣商务咨询有限公司是在数字化新时代浪潮下成立的新型会议会展服务公司。公司致力于为全球企业的业务领导者提供专业的会议服务,战略决策以及沟通交流的平台。业务涉及:零售,营销,物流供应链,汽车,医疗,金融,保险,互联网等各行各业。我们是中国上海的专业活动组织者,同时积极开发东南亚,欧洲,北美等海外市场,运用数字化手段,致力于成为会议界有创新力的中坚力量。 Thinkers River is a company set up in the new digital era to serve new-type of conventions and exhibitions. The company is committed to providing professional conference services, strategic decisions and communication platforms for global business leaders. We are professional event organizer based in Shanghai, China. Our company is actively reaching overseas markets such as Southeast Asia, Europe and North America via digital approaches, aiming to become the innovative backbone for convention and exhibition industry.