复旦大学国家大学科技园(简称复旦科技园)成立于2000年, 是经科技部、教育部联合认定的首批国家级大学科技园。自成立以来,复旦科技园一直秉持转化科技、服务社会、汇聚智慧、共创未来的理念。经长期发展,目前,园区注册企业800余家;上市企业11家;创新公共服务机构13个;累计科技转移转化近1000个;发明专利近300项。Fudan University Science Park was founded as one of the earliest national Science and Technology Parks in China.Science transformation, social service, intelligence convergence for a better future is our persistent belief and mission. After long-term exploration, the Park has more than 800 registered enterprises, 11 listed companies, 13 innovative public service agencies, about 1000 scientific and technological transformation achievements and 300 patents for inventions.