展览时间:2010年10月12日-19日 10:00-19:00
是次展览由香港艺术中心主办,精选了Billy Cowie两件最具代表性的作品,包括获得荷兰海牙IMZ International Dance Screen Festival 2007的「Delegates」奖《肉中欲》(《In the Flesh》);以及被喻为兼具治疗与情色、充满优美的《空想》(《The Revery Alone》),它们均为当代舞蹈投影装置的得意之作,展现人体的美妙以及艺术的神奇。
Billy Cowie别出心裁地以女性优美的舞姿和动作,巧妙融合3D立体投影技术,让观众体验一次如真似假、活在眼前的独舞表演。观众戴上大会提供的3D立体眼镜探入黑漆一片的空间,于近距离直视舞者的一举一动及神情,无论是《肉中欲》所要求观众向下望着在地上蠕动的女舞者,或是《空想》要求观众躺下仰望顶上移动的女舞者,均能挑战各位的官能及道德极限。
展览将开放公众,免费入场,欢迎舞蹈及艺术爱好者们前来接触国际舞蹈的多元与精采。Billy Cowie除了亲自来港参与活动,他并举办两场艺术家讲座,分享他将舞蹈融合在屏幕及装置的发展经验和国际视野。
In the Flesh
“I am the ground, I am the earth, I am the soil,
and into me your coldness stole,
till I am solid and brittle”
The audience enter the darkened space wearing blue/red anaglyph 3d glasses. On reaching their designated spot they are surprised to see a dancer on the ground in front of them. Although she is in fact a projection (a Spectrefilm), she appears to be actually in the space, solid and real; she is there, in effect, ‘in the flesh’. At the end of her four minute dance she fades into nothing.
The Revery Alone.
A stereoscopic piece the work is a seven minute looped 3d dance installation that is projected onto the ceiling. The audience lying underneath on the ground and wearing red/blue anaglyph glasses - see what appears to be a solid three dimensional dancer hanging from the ceiling. The piece develops and expands the techniques both filmic and choreographic of Cowie’s previous installation - In the Flesh
The Revery Alone explores in a meditative way a slow lyrical choreography that exposes the performing body in a sculptural manner and features as solo performer former Bejart dancer Eleonore Ansari.
展览 | 与艺术家会面 |
超乎舞外- Billy Cowie 3D舞蹈装置展 •日期:10月12日 – 19日 •时间:早上10时至晚上7时 •地点:香港艺术中心-麦高利小剧场
| •日期:10月12日 •时间:晚上7时 •地点:香港艺术中心-麦高利小剧场 |
免费公开讲座1 | 免费公开讲座2 |
从舞动身体到舞蹈影像 •日期:10月12日 | Billy Cowie 与 Liz Aggiss 的 Anarchic Dance •日期:10月13日 •时间:晚上7时 •地点:香港筲箕湾谭公庙道8号(筲箕湾港铁站D1出口) 香港艺术学院筲箕湾校舍 •英语主讲,免费入场 •座位有限,敬请留座 |
协办单位:香港艺术学院(香港艺术中心附属机构) 、ifva(香港艺术中心旗鉴节目)、香港城市大学创意媒体学院