由Intel Nervana主办的O'Reilly和Intel人工智能2018北京大会于2018-04-10在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。
首页>演讲嘉宾> Shyam Sundar更新时间:2018-04-10
Shyam Sundar is the Sydney-based regional director of APJ at Anodot, a leading provider of AI-powered analytics. Shyam has 17 years of experience in strategic data innovation, advanced business intelligence, analytics, and anomaly detection. Previously, he worked in APJ for companies including Cloudera, HP Vertica, Sybase, and numerous startups. Shyam has also consulted on cutting-edge data strategy for Global 2000 companies. Shyam holds a bachelor of engineering from Annamalai University in India and an MBA from Monash University in Australia.
Shyam Sundar出席会议日程
由Intel Nervana主办的O'Reilly和Intel人工智能2018北京大会于2018-04-10在北京国际饭店会议中心举办。